Measurement Day, Day 22 #100Days

Feb 11, 2014 00:21

Not only did I not post for Week 3 Day 15, I didn’t grab a screenshot.

Oh well.

Day 15 saw a drops in my hips (-3″), abdomen (-1), left arm and right arms (-0.75), and left and right calves (-0.25). The weight is point­less because I don’t have a scale that’s consistent.

We also had some heavy snow­fall, so I focused more on my abs and flex­i­bil­ity (in the apart­ment on a mat) with my Nike Train­ing Club app

Jan­u­ary Strength Train­ing Week 2

Then we had the Super Bowl and more snow, and a later shift for a week really threw a kink in stay­ing moti­vated but I man­aged a few days run­ning. The rest were strength training.

Week 3 Running

Jan­u­ary Strength Train­ing Week 3

I’m not crazy about the results for Mea­sure­ment Day 22, but I knew going in not every week was going to be a win­ner. The belly is going to be my biggest strug­gle, and I’m not sure the best way to tackle it yet.

Week Three 2÷10÷14

I’m still trend­ing in the right direc­tion, and in the inter­est of Full Dis­clo­sure, I’m 5 days from my Moon (to put it del­i­cately), so I’m tak­ing on water like the Titanic.

By the way, that Shawn John­son stretch on the N+TC is no joke. Throw in the Jeanette Jenk­ins Ab Blaster, and they both tried to kill me. I do the Stretch every day, because I really want the flex­i­bil­ity. The Jenk­ins Ab Blaster work was a unlocked bonus I tried and found I could actu­ally fin­ish. This isn’t to say it’s easy, because it’s not at all, but if I don’t chal­lenge myself, the inches won’t come off.

Clothes look bet­ter, shoes don’t look like tor­ture devices, and I look for­ward to work­ing out.  The runs are get­ting eas­ier with more run­ning and less walk­ing. I bought myself a new high den­sity mat for the floor, and that makes such a dif­fer­ence on my knees, the floor work now feels like it’s the work­ing the areas it’s sup­posed to.

I hate the learn­ing curve of work­outs, because it takes a few weeks to get into a rhythm of the moves and how they’re sup­posed to be per­formed. Con­di­tion­ing for the con­di­tion­ing as it were.

Regard­less, it’s work­ing. I can’t com­plain about how I get there, so long as I arrive, right?

Hello, Week 4.

morbid fascinations, body rocking

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