100 Days? Hello, Day 1

Jan 20, 2014 10:48

I spoke last week on Face­book that I have a dress in mind for an upcom­ing con­ven­tion, and while it would fit now (and look great), I think it would fit so much bet­ter with a few inches gone here and there. Am I over­weight - most prob­a­bly. Do I look it  - prob­a­bly. Am I happy - most def­i­nitely not.

So here we are at Day 1.

I can accom­plish this by dial­ing back my train­ing and mak­ing a more con­certed effort to just MOVE every day - EVERY DAY - no more days off for rest, snow, Sleepy Hol­low. This means I will do my core work­out every day. This means I will get on the tread­mill every day, but I won’t push myself to exhaus­tion to crack a cer­tain time or mileage ceil­ing. I still want to hit my per­sonal goal of 300 miles ran in 2014, I just may not hit all of them with an aver­ages pace of 11.5 min/mile. I don’t want to sab­o­tage myself by grab­bing a snack before hit­ting the gym or the course and then quit­ting because I feel full or bloated.

It also means we haul out the ben­tos, which seems to be fan favorite any­way. This should work espe­cially well as we creep towards  Lent and a restart of the 40 Days of Bento.

40 Days is a big chunk of 100, but I’d like to carry over the good and pretty eat­ing through the week­ends.  We could stand to eat less pizza and more salmon, less pasta and more veg­gies.  Within the next 100 Days, I’ve got two weeks of later work shifts, a con­ven­tion and other bit of crazi­ness that tend to derail  things like goals. Plus, all of my favorite shows are either going into sea­son finale sta­tus or sea­son pre­mier. Plan­ning, plan­ning, plan­ning. I want to do this. I wel­come (today any­way) pokes and prods. I also wel­come com­pany, if any­one wants to hop on board.

I’m even going to post mea­sure­ments - arms, bust, waist, hips - since that’s what’s going to deter­mine the size of the dress I’m after.  I can’t post my weight because I don’t have an accu­rate scale (and don’t really want one), but if I want to be hon­est with myself, a white­board on the wall isn’t going to cut it.  Brave, stu­pid, insert your own adjec­tive here - what­ever. Online I can be what­ever I want (Finnish, size 2, flu­ent in Navajo), but the real­ity is I don’t want to be one of those pretty girls who become wheel­chair bound with can­kles the size of med­i­cine balls as she approaches mid­dle age. I had a great Aunt like that, for­mer beauty queen turned cau­tion­ary tale.

My own van­ity won’t allow this.

6 inches in 100 days (April 30).

Here’s lunch for Day 1:

Beets, mini cucum­bers, mini Baby­bel cheese (light, ched­dar), coconut-oil fried shrimp shu­mai, raw car­rots, grape toma­toes, garlic-sautéed spinach.

body rocking, recipes, bento

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