Is There A Seamsperson In The House (Picture Post)

Nov 24, 2013 22:09

(there are prob­a­bly more than a few seams­peo­ple, but I wanted to throw as wide a net as possible)

This is my Dad.

Dad and kids - Detroit Edition

He retired from the Detroit Police Force in 1996.

Death Stare, patent pending

I wear this badge I pil­fered from my mother’s jew­elry box many years ago. It has his badge number.

Badge 2414 and DPD Police Box Key

My dad used to wear this jacket and then he gave it to me. You’ll par­don me when I say it’s beat to hell, but it’s true. Doug and I have dif­fer­ent rea­sons for want­ing to keep it (you prob­a­bly won’t even have to ask him twice to tell you the Story), and Doug wears it mostly, but when I look at it I think of my dad.

My Dad’s jacket has seen bet­ter days, and I’d like for it to see a few more.

It’s the Po-Po, yo!

I’ve only just noticed this tear.

The cuff’s a bit chewed.

That used to be a pocket, then it ate keys and change and a car fob.

Behind that lin­ing lies Nar­nia. Or Char­lie Manx’s Christmasland

The other pocket. I won’t even stick my hand in there.

I just want a new lin­ing put into it and the seams and cuffs cleaned up. I don’t want it to look like new, I just don’t want to lose my keys and loose change in the lin­ing of the pock­ets. The first few tai­lors I vis­ited said it wasn’t worth their time. When I was finally able to get a price (what I though was rea­son­able for mate­ri­als and time), the gen­tle­man told me I would be bet­ter off just cut­ting off the D and sewing it onto another jacket. Then I could pitch the rest.

That broke my heart and I left.

This is my dad’s jacket.  I can see him wear­ing it when he drove me down to col­lege, when vis­ited me in my dorm room, stopped by my first apartment.

Is there some­one out there that can put a lin­ing in my dad’s jacket, clean up the cuffs and repair the frayed seams. It doesn’t have to be per­fect, just wear­able. Please send me an email or com­ment here and quote me a price.

We don’t just cut and sew the parts of mem­o­ries we think are worth saving.

Easter 197*coff*5*coff*

compassionate narcissist, family, photography

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