Gods and Monsters (5/7)

Aug 09, 2007 08:56

Gods and Monsters (5/7)
By: Pen37
Beta: clarksmuse 
Rating: PG-13 
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural
Characters: Chloe, Sam, Dean, Jo.
Pairing: Chloe/Dean Sam/Jo
Disclaimer: Not Mine, Fun only. 
Summary:  The Orpheum theatre in Memphis has troubles with a Ghost.  Sam has issues with Trust.  What is Chloe hiding from the Guys?  What are the Guys hiding from Chloe?

This is part of my Sam Dean and Chloe crossover series Special Projects.  
They follow in this order:
Unstrung Hero 
 Now Stop Me if You've heard this one, 
The Greatest Hits of Mapquest
Devil's Dance,
Phone Calls From the Edge,
Didn't AC/DC Do A Song About this?
We find Ourselves in the Same Old mess  
Sam, Chloe and The Naked Teenage Wiccan Newbie Adventure.
Gods and Monsters        Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
The Language of Waffles
Conservation of Pain.

Written for the Crossovers100 challenge. Prompt #100  Writers choice.  (For this fic, I'm saying that the prompt is Trust)  The table is here.

Sam watched Jo out of the corner of his eye as she worked her way down the rows. Dean seemed to think she liked him. He had to admit, the thought appealed to him.

He'd always been aware of Jo. She had a stark kind of beauty: all angles and lines, with just the hint of softness in her face and eyes hooded in anger to conceal her vulnerability. Underneath all of that - Sam thought he could see the little girl who lost her dad when she was still in pigtails. There were times when he wanted to ask her if she would tell him what it was like to have a mom. And in exchange he could tell her what it was like to have a dad.

Instead, she looked right past him and noticed Dean. What was it about Dean that girls did that? With his height, Sam was pretty noticeable. But Dean did that animal magnetism thing, and girls looked right through him as if he was transparent, zeroing in on his older brother.

Sam backed off. And it hurt a little to watch Jo and Dean do the mating dance. So he made himself scarce. Then they found out about Dad's involvement in Mr. Harvelle's death, and Dean was in the same boat: making himself scarcer.

The next time Sam needed help from Ash, he tried to discretely ask after Jo and found out that the hard-headed, youngest Harvelle was out hunting on her own. He worried enough to quietly keep tabs on her. Not hard, when Ash was a closet romantic who liked to drop hints now and then.

But then the demon's daughter got mixed up in things. And somewhere along the way, she was using his body to bend Jo backwards over a bar and tell her things that, while technically true, were twisted and ugly, and only made him want to hide again.

Being scarce got exponentially suffix-y at that point. And they were just now getting to the point that they were comfortable with each other again.

She closed down her equipment, and walked over to him. “I got nothing,” she reported.

“Me neither,” Sam shook his head. “I'm beginning to think this is the product of a few overactive imaginations.”

“It's possible,” Jo nodded. “I'll just have to keep watch on things, and send another hunter if it keeps up. Sorry to have wasted your time, Sam.”

“It's not a waste, Jo.” Sam touched her arm. “If anything, I should thank you for putting up with the three of us for so long.”

“Don't mention it,” Jo said. “You guys were a big help with the Irish drinking fairy, and it's been entertaining to watch Dean and Chloe do the verbal judo.”

“Verbal Judo?”

“Chloe's word, not mine.”

“What do you think of Chloe?” Sam asked. “You two have been real chatty lately.”

Jo shrugged. “She reminds me a little of Dean. If he was - you know, a girl.”

“Well, she does have the whole short and bossy thing going for her,” Sam chuckled.

“I was thinking more the sarcastic attitude,” Jo grinned. “And the mile-wide stubborn streak. I can't imagine being trapped with the two of them in a car for long periods of time. How do you stand it?”

“I sleep a lot,” Sam said. “When I wake up, they're usually going at it like Beatrice and Bennedick.”


Sam raised his eyebrows in surprise. He opened his mouth to explain, but then waved the explanation off. “Never mind, we'll rent the movie.”

“Sounds like fun,” Jo said.

“So . . .” Sam paused as he fished for the right words to draw information out of Jo. “You've spent a lot of time with Chloe lately. Anything we should know about?”

Jo raised an eyebrow. “Such as?”

He shrugged. “Anything suspicious?”

Jo's eyes narrowed. The look that crossed her face was scarily reminiscent of Ellen. “Sam Winchester, are you telling me that you think Chloe is . . .”

Sam put his hands up defensively. “I'm just saying that we took Chloe in on blind faith.”

“And my mother's word,” Jo retorted angrily.

“And demons can fool people. Dean and I have been fooled before.”

Jo shook her head. “Stupid . . . Pigheaded . . . Moronic . . . Winchester,” she growled as she slapped his arm.

“Ow!” Sam flinched and pulled out of her reach. “You know something,” he stated while rubbing his arm.

Jo put her hands on her hips. “Yeah, I do. So does mom.”

“Why didn't you say anything?”

“Because it has absolutely zero to do with you and Dean,” Jo said. “And it's none of your business.”

Sam realized how far out of line he was. “I . . . you're right Jo. I'm sorry. It isn't my business. I just . . . I'm not used to not knowing. The last time I felt like I was this in the dark was when we were hunting the demon that killed my parents.”

“Its okay, Sam,” Jo relented. “Just remember that the world doesn’t end at the glow of the Impala's taillights.”

“I'll try to remember that,” Sam said with a rueful smile. He slipped an arm around her, and pulled her up against him. She looked surprised, but made no move to pull away, which was encouraging. “Thanks, Jo.”

“Don't worry about it. Someone had to call you on your bullshit,” she said with a grin.

They glanced up as Dean and Chloe emerged from backstage. Their boots echoed loudly across the stage as they crossed to meet Sam and Jo at stage right. Judging by Chloe's dark expression and the way Dean held her hand with fingers entwined with his own - she must have provided answers that met with Dean's satisfaction.

“Let's get this over with,” Chloe said as she stopped in front of Sam. Off her words, Sam looked from Chloe to Dean in confusion.

“Chloe has a story to tell you,” Dean's face looked troubled. “We're going to settle this - once and for all. She's going to prove that she's not possessed or evil. Then this isn't going to come up again, dude.”

Sam looked from Chloe's resigned face to Dean's uneasy one in confusion. Just like that? Surely Dean didn't just romance the answers out of her.

With a start, Sam realized that Dean offered up their secret in a quid pro quo.

“Excuse us, girls,” Sam said. “I need to talk to Dean.”

Dean rolled his eyes, but released Chloe's hand and followed Sam a little way off.

“You told,” Sam whispered.

“Yeah, I did.” Dean said. “How else could I get her to share?”

Sam huffed, shook his head, and crossed his arms.

“Look dude,” Dean raised his eyebrows, and fixed Sam with an urgent stare. “I didn't tell her where we've got the bitch stashed.”

“But you told her everything else.”

“We got bigger problems, Sam,” Dean said. “You need to hear what she has to say.” He nodded in Chloe's direction.

“Fine,” Sam said. “Let's get this over with.”

* * *

They loaded into the Impala and drove down to the river park. Within sight of the big, glass Pyramid-shaped arena, the I-40 river bridge, and the Memphis Belle, Chloe found a grassy spot and sat cross-legged to wait.

Dean handed Sam a rosary and Psalter. Then he moved to sit next to Chloe in the grass.

“Full-on exorcism?” Sam looked at Dean incredulously.

“On both of us,” Dean said flatly. “Just to make sure that she didn't get me while we were alone.”

“Dean,” Sam looked troubled.

“Dude, you were the one who wanted to be certain. Now follow the bitch through.”

With a final sigh, Sam launched into the Latin. He quickly moved through the ritual - to absolutely zero reaction from either Dean or Chloe.

When he finished, Dean rolled to his feet again. “Well, that's settled.” He pulled Chloe up and tucked her smaller frame under his arm. “We're about four blocks from The Rendeivous. I want me some ribs.”

“Dean?” Sam began tentatively. He felt like he should be apologizing, but he was only being cautious.

“Barbecue now, Sam. Talk later.”

Sam's face twisted in a mask of frustration as he stormed after them.

sam/jo, special projects, dean/chloe, crossovers_100, supernatural, jo, chloe, sam, smallville, dean

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