Fic: Bad Company (3/7)

Apr 18, 2008 14:08

Fic: Bad Company (3/7)
Series: Special Projects
Summary: Dean and Chloe get in serious trouble.  Will Sam realize it in time to save them? 
Author: pen37
Beta: Strangevisitor7
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural
Characters: Chloe, Sam, Dean, Sarah 
Pairing:Chloe/Dean  Sam/Sarah
Rating: pg-13
This is a part of the Special Projects series. You can find the rest of the series here.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

When the door opened again, Dean tried to stretch his neck around enough to see who was coming in.

It pissed him of to no end that they'd faced him away from the door. Granted, he couldn't do much to defend himself from whatever was coming through that door, even if he could see it. But at least he would be able to see what was coming instead of facing it down bass-akwards like this.

He heard Chloe suck in a startled breath and the mutter a tongue-straining stream of Gaelic. To his surprise, whoever had come into the room answered in kind.

If he was surprised, then Chloe was spectacularly pole-axed, judging by the way her head recoiled back into his shoulder.

“What's going on?” he tried to turn again. This time, the chain turned in just the right way, and he found himself whirled around to face the door. Chloe hung in front of him like a human shield, her back pressed against him.

He looked over her blond head and through the circle of her arms to see who had caused her to react so badly.

An odd looking man stood just inside the doorway, staring back at them with reptilian curiosity. He reminded Dean of the National Geographic drawings of Neanderthals that he'd seen in the Junior High School Library when he'd been flipping through the pages and looking for naked chicks.

The dude had olive skin, a prominent forehead, and flat nose. When his expression zeroed in on Chloe, it turned hungry. Had he been free to do so, Dean would have pulled Chloe behind him to protect her from that gaze.

“Vandal Savage,” Chloe said flatly.

His responding grin revealed flat, broad teeth.

“You know this guy?” Dean asked.

“By reputation,” Chloe said.

“And you would be Chloe Sullivan, now Winchester. The girl with the wondrous healing abilities,” Savage said. To Dean's surprise, Neanderthal-dude spoke with a proper English accent.

Savage's eyes flicked up to where their hands were shackled side-by side. With cold certainty, Dean knew that he was looking at the identical bands that they wore on their left hands. He resisted the urge to clench his fist, and hide his from sight with his thumb.

Savage's eyes traveled back to Chloe. “Pity. In another month the rituals call for a newly-married couple.”

“I'd heard that you were mixed up with the blood cults during the Third Reich,” Chloe said. “I thought you lost your taste for human sacrifice then. Why get mixed up with a blood cult now, Savage?”

In response, he grinned at her. “Let's just say that the chance to examine a meteor-dust laced heart was too great to pass up.”

“You're not going near her,” Dean growled.

Savage looked at him in tolerant amusement. “One would think, with the faint traces of meteor that we found in your own blood, you would be a little bit concerned about what kind of legacy your wife has passed on to you. He looked from Dean to Chloe and back. “Given my own experiences with meteor-borne mutation, I can say that it's quite possible that the two of you could be functionally immortal - provided you were allowed to live out your lives unmolested.”

He smirked at Dean. “How would you feel about that? When the weight of the years press you down and you feel like life has no point, would you thank your wife for your immortality? But I suppose with blood as strange as your own, what's a little space dust between lovers?”

He waved away the thought. “But it's all academic. In a short while, you'll be in the midst of a fight to the death - armed only with a feather-covered club, I might add - while we're in the middle of extracting her heart. You'll excuse me if I'm not terribly troubled by your threats.”

Dean glared at him through narrowed eyes.

“As lovely as these pleasantries have been, was there a reason you're here, Savage?” Chloe said caustically. “I'm really not in the mood for being taunted.”

“I was actually hoping you could satisfy my curiosity.” Savage said. “Specifically: I wonder what could be the reason my associates want you dead.”

“Probably 'cause we're awesome, Bam-Bam,” Dean smirked at him. “Haven't you heard?”

“I can certainly understand why they might want you out of the way, Mr. Winchester,” Savage looked at Dean with an annoyed expression. “But you are actually just the collateral damage in all this. Mrs. Winchester here, on the other hand . . .” He turned his gaze to Chloe. “For some reason, these Black-eyed brutes genuinely fear you. Do you have any idea why?”

Chloe shook her head. “If I knew, do you think I'd really tell you?”

“I suspected as much,” Savage muttered. “Not that it matters.” With that, he turned and left.

Dean waited until the door's lock clicked back in place and he heard the Neanderthal's footsteps recede.

“Okay, how screwed are we?” he asked.

“Very,” Chloe said in a lackluster tone of voice.

“Who was that guy?”

“Vandal Savage,” Chloe said. “He looks just like the picture on his dossier. Sooner or later we were bound to run into him. It's practically a League rite of passage.”

“He looks like a cave man,” Dean observed.

“I think he was.” Chloe said flatly. “Savage may be the world's first meteor meta.”

“The first --”

“Meta,” Chloe's hair brushed his chin as she nodded. “He's immortal, and possibly a genius. When you look in the history books, he pops up from time-to-time. Always under a different name. He's bragged that he was Gengis Kahn and advised Vlad the Impaler; even claimed to have been Jack the Ripper and as I mentioned, he was involved with blood magic during Hitler's Third Reich.”

“Very pleasant guy,” Dean said. “Why didn't we invite him to the wedding? We could have saved an extra seat for the huge-ass amount of crazy he's carrying around with him.”

“Only you would joke at a time like this,” Chloe muttered.

“Why is it that all the nutso ones have to stand over you and gloat?” Dean asked. “Lex did that, too.”

“Monologing,” Chloe said. “For some reason, the evil geniuses feel validated if they can go neya neya, I won. They even joked about it in The Incredibles.”

“Maybe it's just a psycho thing,” Dean said. “Gordon Walker liked to do it, too.”

“Maybe,” Chloe said. “I think he was just trying to satisfy his curiosity, though.”

“Who, Gordon?”

“Savage. He really wanted to know why the Demons were scared of me.”

“That makes two of us,”

“Three,” Chloe shivered. “Whatever it is, I really don't want him to know, though. Right now we're at his mercy, and I don't want him to use me to his advantage.”

Dean buried his face in her hair, and breathed deeply. The scent soothed his jangled nerves and went a long way toward calming him after Savage's visit.

“Don't worry, Sam'll figure out we're in trouble.”

A/N: I've described Vandal Savage closer to how he appears in comic books.  However, his character is pretty much the Curtis Knox character who was played by Dean Cain in Smallville Episode # 136 Cure.

special projects, sam/sarah, smallville, supernatural, chloe/dean

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