Fic: Superbadfic VIII: Fate's Lightning Rod. . . (1/1)

Apr 17, 2008 09:13

It's Thursday.  Huzzah!

Fic: Superbadfic VIII: Fate's Lightning Rod. . . (1/1) 
Story by: Pen37
Photos by: oxoniensis art
Summary: Dean?  A walking barometer for bad fiction avatars. 
Author: pen37 
Fandom: Supernatural
Classification: Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
pairings: None

The rest of the superbadfic series is here.

Rating: G

Warning: There are photos.  May not be dialup friendly.

"Let's just say that if complete and utter chaos was lightning, he'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting 'All gods are bastards'."
-- Rincewind discussing Twoflower (Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic By Terry Pratchett)

Dean frowned as he scratched at the new charm Bobby had given him to wear. 

“I don't see why I need all these charms,” he complained.

“Trust me, they're vital,” Sam cut his argument off before he could get started.

“Dude? I already have my old amulet and the anti-possession ward that Bobby gave me. Isn't that enough?”

Sam sighed in a long-suffering way, and then pinned Dean with his 'you're an idiot, so I will use small words to explain' look. “Since we've been hunting bad fiction, you've turned yourself into a girl and gotten possessed by a canon sue. You're like a walking barometer for bad fiction avatars.”

“Still feels like I'm wearing a Mr. T starter set.” Dean grumbled.

“Just suck it up and deal. The alternative is that we get you another tattoo.”

“Is that why the Sues aren't after you, Geek boy?” Dean asked suspiciously.

Sam's gaze shifted away guiltily.

“Ah ha! Thought so.” Dean smirked at him. “What kind of tattoo repels a Mary Sue?”

Sam shook his head; then grimaced. “You don't want to know.”

A/N: Next week is audience participation week on Superbadfic.  If anyone wants to send me an intentionally written badfic, msg. me.  I'll send you an e-mail addy to send the fic to.

superbadfic, ficspam, dean, sam

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