
Mar 27, 2011 22:10

HOLY CRAP, Y'ALL, FINAL FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That game was a thing of beauty!!!

I'm actually rather amused that I've spent most of this season being oddly apathetic about basketball, and then was so swamped on and after Selection Sunday that I didn't get around to filling out my bracket. The first time I don't have a bracket since I was, oh, 14, and this happens. I mean, I expect Kentucky to go to the Final Four EVERY YEAR because it is our RIGHT and DESTINY and all that shit, but this is the first time it's happened since I was a senior in high school, it's true. And it's the year I wasn't paying attention.

Fortunately, gabolange had my back on the bracket front, and apparently "we're" winning "our" pool! :P

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