things I love: basketball and James Ellison

Mar 25, 2011 10:03

As a distraction from my current professional anxieties (waaaaaaaaaaaiting, graaaaaaaaaaaading), let's talk about basketball. Specifically, WOOT, DUKE LOST!!! Always happy times, and I take particular delight when Duke loses before we do (even if it's technically in the same round, because let's face it, my Kentucky boys are going to need the game of their lives to get out of tonight unscathed). Not that I have any love for Arizona (1997, much?), but hey, go Arizona! There are, after all, only two universal truths in my NCAA men's basketball world: love for Kentucky and hatred for Duke. Everything else is conditional.

And for a dose of extra fun (and/or pain?), a friend who now works for Ohio State is in town, so we're going to watch the game tonight together, and probably trash talk a lot, and maybe throw things at each other, and it will probably all end in tears for me, but hopefully it will at least not be humiliating. And regardless, Duke already lost. Small favors.


TSCC rewatch is underway at scchronicles_tv, and holy crap, y'all, I love James Ellison!!!!!! Okay, fine, not news. But still. This is my third time through season 1 (and incidentally, this is one of those shows that is good the first time through, but SO much better on a rewatch, I think!), and I just keep loving him MORE AND MORE!!! Not in a particularly thinky way. More in a "please marry me, James Ellison" kind of way. Why are all the good guys fictional?

Also! Fans of Sarah/Ellison: did you realize they are briefly in the frame together in "The Queen's Gambit"? Because I did not, the first two times I watched it. But outside the jail, he walks right past her when she's on the phone, and I think I possibly need an icon of that. They're so seldom in the same space, after all.


And have a link: Five Things TV Writers Apparently Believe About Smart People.

Crossposted from DW, where there are
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tscc, basketball

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