happy things

Mar 30, 2011 18:18

OMG, y'all, Doctor Who Trailer!!!!!!!! RIIIIIVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! (And I really am such an unabashed Doctor/River shipper. Love!)

And speaking of awesome women over 40, there's a ficathon for that: matrithon is currently taking prompts, prompt claiming to happen next week, stories to be posted on Mother's Day. I admit I'm rather ambivalent about the implied equivalence of women over 40 with mothers, but I guess it's sometimes hard to know what to call a comm? And it's not as though I don't have rather a thing for ambivalent mothers who may or may not fit into the acceptable age range.

Speaking of ambivalent mothers, in case anyone is interested in this but not following the TSCC rewatch, I posted a recap of 1.07 "The Demon Hand" yesterday. The takeaway message is that Sarah is Jesus. And also, I am in love with Ellison, but we already knew that.

Kentucky? Still in the Final Four, baby!!! It's a good week.

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments. Comment here or there.

river song, tscc, doctor who, basketball, women are awesome

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