the pilot of The Bridge

Mar 05, 2010 23:13

I really am on hiatus. But...

A couple of weeks ago I commented that I felt incapable of watching Aaron Douglas's new show. But for whatever reason, I found myself sitting down in front of the television with my dinner right as the pilot began to air (in the Maritimes, the feed of which I get; here it's an hour later and should just be finishing ( Read more... )

city mine, the bridge

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Comments 7

frolicndetour March 6 2010, 04:39:14 UTC
AHAHAHA. But how perfect, no? ;)

I'm kind of embarrassed by my negative desire to ever watch Aaron Douglas in anything else ever again. I mean, actor =/= character; I know this. But like everyone else said on your previous post, in this case the actor informed so much of what I didn't like about the character that I just can't fully divorce my negative feelings about the two.


pellucid March 6 2010, 17:23:03 UTC
I was actually pretty impressed with myself for being able to enjoy him for most of the show. He was acting well, and despite some superficial similarities (ie, the whole working-class, man of the people thing) between this character and Chief Tyrol, they're different characters in a lot of ways, and in just the two-hour pilot I'm already seeing that Douglas has more acting chops than I thought, because he's really showing the difference between these characters that are superficially similar. So I thought we'd turned over a new leaf ( ... )


asta77 March 6 2010, 04:56:21 UTC
SERIOUSLY??? I had no desire to watch before, but now I will most definitely skip it. CBS has picked up the series. They have no premiere date scheduled, but it will likely be late spring/summer before it airs.


pellucid March 6 2010, 17:27:19 UTC
It's such a shame that they had to go that direction, too, because despite my initial reservations, I really was enjoying it. I was engage for the whole two-hour pilot, I was planning to tune in again, and I was actually impressed with how well I was able not to think about my various frustrations with Aaron Douglas and to enjoy the fact that he actually does seem to have some acting chops. And then there was a dead wife, and I was pulled out SO badly that I'm not at all sure whether I'll be able to tune in again, despite everything I was enjoying.


(The comment has been removed)

pellucid March 6 2010, 17:35:48 UTC
I admit I've only seen about the first 3 or 4 episodes of Flashpoint. I quite liked the pilot, as I recall, but then was frustrated when the subsequent episodes felt very formulaic and not particularly character-focused (when what I loved about the pilot was the fact that the case was resolved early in the episode, and the rest was about the fallout). I never really intended to stop watching--it's not like I thought it was bad or anything--but it didn't hold my attention, so I sort of got out of the habit. But I think it was that falling back on formula, combined with what I remember as a lack of geographical specificity, combined with the fact that everyone was very white, that made it feel more American to me ( ... )


beccatoria March 6 2010, 10:30:46 UTC
OMG DUDE. Yeah. Um. As others have said, I would feel more guilt about trying to remember that Aaron Douglas =/= Tyrol if it weren't for the fact that I dislike Aaron Douglas solely on the merits of Aaron Douglas' continued comments (about Tyrol ( ... )


pellucid March 6 2010, 17:54:02 UTC
As I commented above to both Allie and Asta, I was actually fairly impressed with my ability to separate both Tyrol and AD from this character for most of the episode. I even caught myself being pretty impressed with his acting chops. And then because it was that particular plotline, it all just went sailing out the window and all I could think about were the comments he'd made at Dragon*Con about Tyrol killing Tory. So yeah ( ... )


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