September things

Sep 17, 2009 15:29

1. Went to see Regina Spektor in concert last night. OMG WIN!!!!!!!! Not that she wasn't already on the list of people I will go out of my way to see at every opportunity, but now having seen her, she's very emphatically at or near the head of that list! All the awesome, brilliant, phenomenally talented qualities of her music are magnified in live performance. Worth every penny, evil Ticketmaster fees included, and I'd go again in a heartbeat!

2. At exactly the midpoint of September, it decided to become slightly more autumnal around here. Still quite pleasant, but just a bit crisper and cooler, and fall is definitely just on the horizon. I find I don't mind this as much as I usually do, and I'm not sure why, but I'll go with it.

3. Everything related to work is kicking my ass. A lot. And will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

4. Was there new Bones in Canada last night? I was at the concert and didn't think of it. And new Bones in the US tonight, though I'll be out celebrating a friend's defense and won't be able to watch it then, either. I find that in the hierarchy of things I care about at the moment, television, even new episodes of happy-making shows, is rather low. It's a good thing I wasn't planning to watch anything but silly cop shows this year, because I'm not sure I'll even have time for those.

5. My body seems to be entertaining the absurd notion of getting a cold. This would be Very, Very Bad Timing. *drinks lots of tea*
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