vid recs!

Aug 07, 2008 21:29

So chaila43 has been working on her very first vid for some time now, and she posted it today. And omg, y'all! BSG, D'Anna, Laura, and Caprica dealing with journeys of faith and the search for home, spoilers through "Revelations." The song ("Cathedrals," by Jump Little Children, a song I love anyway) is utterly perfect, and I'd have never believed this was ( Read more... )

ibarw, vid rec

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Comments 17

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pellucid August 8 2008, 03:24:17 UTC
Your BSG? Have you not seen all the new eps yet?!?!?!? I thought they had finished before you left.


daybreak777 August 8 2008, 02:34:44 UTC
Wow, thanks so much for the rec! Interesting that you finally kind of 'got' Lee and Kara and their romance, but yet the vid showed why you don't like them together as well. Intriguing. I guess that means the vid is true, it is who they are together (in my view) like 'em or not. And for a vid to be seen true is a gift for any vidder. Thanks!

Chaila and I passed Vidding 101! Yay! Her vid is wonderful, everyone reading this needs to stop and go watch it right now.

Write your Dee post! Now, I'm mighty curious. Dee might be a subject of a few vids of mine in future. Future! I might have future vids! Hee!


pellucid August 8 2008, 03:30:34 UTC
I think it's the line "it was just that the time was wrong" that does it for me: that explains both why Kara/Lee has never worked for me on the show (as a romantic pairing; I love their friendship) but also why I could have some hope for them at some other time, perhaps. It would depend on a lot of factors, and I could just as easily not see them together, ultimately, but if the stars aligned in the right way, then maybe so. And maybe they could be happy--and that's what I'd wish for them regardless of the romantic choices they make. (Though I still think Kara/Sam is my Kara pairing of choice, partly because they're not some epic love story, and partly because Samuel T. Anders is my Cylon boyfriend.)

But yes, I think you both passed Vidding 101 with flying colors, and I would definitely look forward to a Dee vid from you in the future! And I will definitely write about Dee, in whatever form, but probably not before the end of the week!


daybreak777 August 8 2008, 04:39:49 UTC
What a great comment. That's just it! You so have it. Why I have hope for them. It may not be their time, this time. But someday, somewhere, it will be! And if they are very, very lucky, maybe this time. This gives me hope that despite whatever happens at series' end, these two have a destiny together. Sometime. I totally believe it. And thanks for wishing them to be happy. I wish for them to be happy as well. Don't know if I believe that can happen (this is RDM), but I hope it for them.

partly because Samuel T. Anders is my Cylon boyfriend.
Really? Did I know this? Just because he's pretty or are there other reasons? Pretty is okay, though. Because he is. :-)

Take your time with Dee. I am curious and look forward to that post whenever it comes!


pellucid August 8 2008, 13:40:21 UTC
In case you're interested, I just wrote this comment below to dionusia with more about my Kara/Lee thoughts--why they haven't worked for me before but might come to work for me better, depending on the direction they take.

I love Anders! Partly, yes, because he's very pretty. But mostly because he's just such a damned good guy. He's perhaps not the sharpest tool in the shed, but his heart's in the right place, and he's loyal, and he loves Kara unconditionally. And in contrast to Lee and Helo, who are also Good Guys, he lacks all the emo and self-righteousness. He's very much my "type" in a lot of ways, and, well, he is very pretty!


dionusia August 8 2008, 04:09:13 UTC
Do you mean my vid rec post, maybe? Well, regardless, I'm glad you liked those vids too. :)

It occurred to me last season that I like Kara and Lee for a lot of the reasons I like Adama and Roslin -- the tension between love and responsibility and the fact that they can stand up to each others', shall we say, forceful personalities and interact as equals. I also like them because they kind of symbolize for me all those in the fleet who never got to be normal and young, not just after the attacks, but even going back to their childhoods (something I thought DB's vid captured really well). But most of all, they hit my bulletproof kink of odd couple bickering affection; they aren't exactly alike but still work well together. So I've got out my rooting pompoms hardcore!

Also, I don't know what to root for most -- a Dee fic from you or a Why Dee Is Awesome post. Hooray!


pellucid August 8 2008, 13:00:53 UTC
Ack! Yes, of course it was your rec post! Clearly I was having flist-reading difficulties! *fixes* (My brain was kind of generally broken yesterday. I'm really hoping today will be better!)

I think I could come to like Kara and Lee for a lot of the reasons I like Adama and Roslin, because all those things are true of both of them. It's just that I've always found their friendship to be so much more fun and interesting than their romance, and when they were all mired down with romance drama, the friendship sort of disappeared--and that frustrated me. I have quite enjoyed them in season 4, though; they seem to have reached some kind of mutual understanding about what they mean to each other and also about the fact that they can't actually be together right now, and perhaps not for a long time or ever. But instead of Angst and Drama, they sort of seem to accept that and enjoy what they can have from each other. That works for me so much better than all the Love Quadrangle of Doom stuff ( ... )


daybreak777 August 8 2008, 14:31:30 UTC
I think I could come to like Kara and Lee for a lot of the reasons I like Adama and Roslin, because all those things are true of both of them.This is so interesting. I found that I could write Laura and Bill because I saw things about them that was like an older Kara and Lee, perhaps. Bill especially reminded me of Lee in the way he loves Laura. Unconditional. I love them both so much for that ( ... )


pellucid August 8 2008, 17:05:48 UTC
Do you always prefer this quiet friendship over grand romance? Or is it just on BSG?You know, that's a very good question! I think on one hand I have a few specific shipping preferences, but on the other hand, I can also vary quite a bit depending on the show. Sometimes a dynamic really works for me, and other times it doesn't, and it's hard to explain why, except maybe differences in writing, actor chemistry, etc ( ... )


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pellucid August 9 2008, 13:27:23 UTC
Hee! I've been wanting to write about Dee for quite a long time now, and I've had the specific idea for this fic in my head all summer, but unfortunately my work is also taking something of a toll on my time and brain cells. Hopefully before too long, though!


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