vid recs!

Aug 07, 2008 21:29

So chaila43 has been working on her very first vid for some time now, and she posted it today. And omg, y'all! BSG, D'Anna, Laura, and Caprica dealing with journeys of faith and the search for home, spoilers through "Revelations." The song ("Cathedrals," by Jump Little Children, a song I love anyway) is utterly perfect, and I'd have never believed this was ( Read more... )

ibarw, vid rec

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dionusia August 8 2008, 04:09:13 UTC
Do you mean my vid rec post, maybe? Well, regardless, I'm glad you liked those vids too. :)

It occurred to me last season that I like Kara and Lee for a lot of the reasons I like Adama and Roslin -- the tension between love and responsibility and the fact that they can stand up to each others', shall we say, forceful personalities and interact as equals. I also like them because they kind of symbolize for me all those in the fleet who never got to be normal and young, not just after the attacks, but even going back to their childhoods (something I thought DB's vid captured really well). But most of all, they hit my bulletproof kink of odd couple bickering affection; they aren't exactly alike but still work well together. So I've got out my rooting pompoms hardcore!

Also, I don't know what to root for most -- a Dee fic from you or a Why Dee Is Awesome post. Hooray!


pellucid August 8 2008, 13:00:53 UTC
Ack! Yes, of course it was your rec post! Clearly I was having flist-reading difficulties! *fixes* (My brain was kind of generally broken yesterday. I'm really hoping today will be better!)

I think I could come to like Kara and Lee for a lot of the reasons I like Adama and Roslin, because all those things are true of both of them. It's just that I've always found their friendship to be so much more fun and interesting than their romance, and when they were all mired down with romance drama, the friendship sort of disappeared--and that frustrated me. I have quite enjoyed them in season 4, though; they seem to have reached some kind of mutual understanding about what they mean to each other and also about the fact that they can't actually be together right now, and perhaps not for a long time or ever. But instead of Angst and Drama, they sort of seem to accept that and enjoy what they can have from each other. That works for me so much better than all the Love Quadrangle of Doom stuff ( ... )


daybreak777 August 8 2008, 14:31:30 UTC
I think I could come to like Kara and Lee for a lot of the reasons I like Adama and Roslin, because all those things are true of both of them.This is so interesting. I found that I could write Laura and Bill because I saw things about them that was like an older Kara and Lee, perhaps. Bill especially reminded me of Lee in the way he loves Laura. Unconditional. I love them both so much for that ( ... )


pellucid August 8 2008, 17:05:48 UTC
Do you always prefer this quiet friendship over grand romance? Or is it just on BSG?You know, that's a very good question! I think on one hand I have a few specific shipping preferences, but on the other hand, I can also vary quite a bit depending on the show. Sometimes a dynamic really works for me, and other times it doesn't, and it's hard to explain why, except maybe differences in writing, actor chemistry, etc ( ... )


daybreak777 August 8 2008, 18:28:23 UTC
Can I just tell you I love this comment and grinned through reading it? Loved it! Pellucid shows her romantic side! (I had suspected there was one in there. ;-))

First OTPs for me? Heck, it might have been Pam and Bobby on Dallas. No! It was totally Jenny and Greg on All My Children. You don't know what I'm talking about but it's okay. It was tragic. That's all you need to know. So much of a pairing for me is about the acting. They can be in an absolutely ridiculous show, but then they just look at each other and GUH.

That was Mulder and Scully (in a good show, mostly) and Olivia and Elliot. Olivia and Elliot live to keeeeel me! Well, mostly watching SVU go down from where it was kills me. (Remember Alex Cabot? I do.) Can't watch anymore but when I do, yeah, it's The Olivia and Elliot Against the World Show. And Munch and Ice-T too. ;-)

Not some love-at-first-sight frenzy of hormones and attraction, but growing closeness until one day someone wakes up and realizes they're in love with their best friend.Awwww! See, I want both. I ( ... )


pellucid August 8 2008, 19:33:29 UTC
Of course I have a romantic side! I can squee with the best of 'em, after all! But it's rare that I see grand romantic gestures represented in fiction (in whatever medium) in a way that isn't utterly overrun with cliche. Hearts and flowers and "I love you" is so overdone that a little bit goes a long way, I find. One of the reasons John and Aeryn work so well for me is that somehow they manage to be extraordinarily grand and romantic without being terribly cliche. (And OMG you should watch Farscape!!!!! Lots and lots of romance!!!! Among other things ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

pellucid August 8 2008, 19:35:47 UTC
Not at all unpopular here! In fact, I agree with every word, and I'm not so sure I have anything to add, in fact! Although trying to think of Bill and Laura as Romeo and Juliet makes me giggle a LOT! Because no! Emphatically no! Hee!


daybreak777 August 8 2008, 20:05:54 UTC
Hee! Adama and Roslin as Romeo and Juliet! That gave me a good giggle. I can imagine the look Laura would give Bill at that reference. :-)

Interesting points you both make. I still believe in both ships being important to the mythology of the show even if they run out of time to make all those connections for us. I understand what C. says above about the responsibility Bill and Laura have. It makes the romance underneath interesting. Also interesting in that, is that they can shut it all down and be the leaders the fleet needs them to be.

I do want that for my kids someday. I do. But unlike Bill and Laura, this show started with them teasing and fingerpainting and sometimes being kids in a way Laura and Bill can't be no matter all for Adama wiggling his toes in the alluvial deposits. Too much had happened to Bill and Laura before the apocalypse for that kind of irreverence for them ( ... )


pellucid August 9 2008, 13:41:47 UTC
You know, in other shows I can sometimes suspend my disbelief and want happy, consequences-be-damned romance (or at least a wee bit of it now and then--never very much, lest my teeth rot from the sugar!), but I can't really do it on this show. I'm so much more tied to canon in BSG than I ever have been with another show. I'm not interested in AUs, I'm not interested in "let's pretend that there aren't really all these barriers to the happily-ever-after of character X and character Y," etc. And I have no idea why this is, why I can be perfectly fine with such things in other shows--and in fact actively seek out and write AUs, if not necessarily happily-ever-after kinds of AUs, in fandoms like SG-1 and Farscape--but have no interest whatsoever in such a thing in BSG. So while I do understand the concept of seeing the romances separate from the rest of the show, it's not something I can do with this show ( ... )


daybreak777 August 9 2008, 22:03:23 UTC
Ah, mature love. I can see your point having written the L/B drabble the other day. It had that maturity. It's interesting, when I write Kara and Lee, it's all AU and they have some of that maturity. I obviously want it for them in my fic. And sometimes I skip how they get there and sometimes not.

I realize I have rarely seen mature couples on TV no matter what their chronological ages. Sometimes the mature couples kill me because they are so mature and responsible they give each other up. (Noes!) I'm trying to think of any OTPs I've had that I can associate with the world 'mature'. Hmm.

I do like to see it sometimes. It's very . . . restful. I want that for the kids. Their romance was getting so confusing and exhausting for them as much as I loved it. Despite the missteps they were getting there, slowly. And I miss Starbuck like pie but, sigh, you're right. Being Starbuck now? Well, even Kara Thrace gets tired and weary sometimes ( ... )


pellucid August 9 2008, 22:54:16 UTC
You know, I'm hard-pressed to think of a pairing I've shipped that couldn't be described as "mature." I don't read "mature" to mean "middle-aged," necessarily, but simply "adult." If I were putting and age stamp on it, I'd say at least over 30, but it's more about life and emotional maturity. I'm not terribly interested in characters who haven't figured out who they are yet. (It's noteworthy that on the two shows I've watched that feature teenagers prominently--Friday Night Lights and Veronica Mars--I shipped no one in the latter and not really anyone in the former, either, but mostly the married adults to the extent that I shipped anyone. I never watched Buffy, though I expect I will someday; but one reason it's never appealed hugely is the age of the characters ( ... )


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