a wee bit o' Farscape flailing

May 06, 2006 22:09

Sometimes it's the little things about a show that make you love it. Like how you can take a fairly mediocre episode like "Thanks for Sharing" and throw in this gem of a scene that is among my favorites of the entire series. There really are no words for how much I adore the scene where Crais shows Aeryn the clip of her mother coming to her bed when she was a little girl. It just doesn't get better than that! Xhalax is great, wee Aeryn is absolutely adorable, but of course it's grown-up Aeryn that makes the scene. Claudia just nails it in a way I can hardly comprehend. She doesn't even really do much except look stunned, yet she manages to convey in her expression, in the tiny facial muscle quivers, all of the emotion that Aeryn had to be going through at that moment. The total "guh" moment, though, the one that takes this from being a great scene to being a frelling awesome scene, is when Xhalax tells wee Aeryn to be quiet, asks her if she understands, and adult Aeryn nods. It's just the slightest of nods, but it's So. Damned. Perfect. I wonder if that was direction or if Claudia did that herself. Perhaps the fact that the Xhalax arc is among my favorites of the series contributes to my adoration of this moment. Yet I think it's mostly that the scene is just a fantastic piece of acting. *flails* Too bad the whole ep isn't up to that par. It's not a bad ep, per se, but it's not great, especially by season 3 standards.

Interestingly, too, as I'm re-watching season 3 knowing how it all comes out, I already find myself sort of siding with Moya!John against Talyn!John. Very interesting. Of course, I've only seen through GEM at this point, and the sensation was stronger in TFS than in GEM, obviously, but I'm curious to see if my emotions will continue along that track. Hmm...


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