West Wing warm fuzzies

May 07, 2006 20:59

CJ!!!!!! And Danny!!!!!!! And Toby!!!!!!!!! *gushes* I was jonesing for a CJ ep after seeing so little of her the past few--and this was good CJ. And I've been slow to warm up to the idea of CJ/Danny, but y'know, I'm there now (the first time I watched season 1, for instance, I couldn't stand Danny; I rented the DVDs and re-watched season 1 a couple of weeks ago and loved him; I wish I knew wherein my change of heart lies). If only there were more Danny Concannons in the world for us persnickity, independent women! But the total highlight was Toby!!!! CJ and Toby's friendship has always been one of my favorite relationships of the show, and it was just SO GOOD to have them have that moment. Because he is so wise and knows her so well! And he's Toby, and he's going to prison for his principles, and dammit, didn't we know from the beginning that this was Toby's logical conclusion, really. And because he's Toby and a geek like that, he's doing textual criticism on the Constitution in his spare time--be still, my heart! (except, Toby dear, it would be a compositor's error and not a typo since the Constitution wasn't typed. /geeks) This episode was quite appropriately titled, I think, because I have a feeling it's the kind of episode that is designed specifically to appeal to the overly-emotional, long-term fans like me who just want to see what's going to happen to these people that we've come to love so much: a bit of a tribute to the institutional memory of the fans.

Though I suppose anyone who's not a big CJ and/or Toby fan (if there are such people--and are there? because there shouldn't be, omg!) wouldn't be such a fan of this ep. Which leads me to my criticism of these past few WW eps I've seen. One of the things I've always loved about this show is the way that all of the characters are involved together, bouncing off each other almost literally, creating a community. Now I realize that part of the point at the current juncture is that the community has become quite fragmented--I get that--but I still don't really like the way that the episodes are being divvied (sp?) up. We had a Josh episode, then a Vinick episode, now a CJ episode. With so many characters, maybe there's not a better way to tie up the loose ends, but even as I gush over my beloved, familiar characters, I feel like I'm watching them on an unfamiliar show. Possibly this sense of mine is greatly exacerbated by the fact that I've been unable to see most of the past two seasons and have only been--fortunately--able to tune in here on the home stretch.

But I still love this show!!!

And how do I not have a CJ icon? Or even a good Toby icon? Oh well!

Oh, and speaking of icons but changing shows entirely (which may mean that the appropriate people won't even read this but whatever), do any of the Farscape folks have any idea where I might get my hands on a Xhalax icon? Or I'd even settle for a decent screencap that my non-existant iconning skills might manage to crop into a 100 x 100 box (because that's all I know how to do when it comes to making icons...)

the west wing

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