Time change; heath update

Nov 04, 2007 09:11

Don't forget to set your clock back an hour this morning. I know I did at first and then I noticed the clock on my computer didn't match my watch. So now I have to go through the house fixing clocks.

I'm really getting frustrated with being sick. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I have a case of sinusitis. There was a "cold and flu myths" thing on MSN.com recently and when I looked at one of the points it described what I have been going through.
Colds that linger or worsen may indicate sinusitis.

Barring an underlying condition or immune deficiency, most people can fight off a cold inside of 10 days. When symptoms such as congestion, headache and runny nose drag on, it may indicate a bacterial infection of the sinuses, or sinusitis. “Duration of a cold beyond 10 days is highly suggestive of bacterial infection,” says Rosenfeld, who was the lead author of a new guideline for treating adult sinusitis, which addresses the importance of distinguishing a cold from sinusitis. “The other feature suggesting sinusitis is the pattern of ‘double worsening.’ That’s when someone starts to feel better and then all of a sudden they get hit again, and they’re getting worse. Now bacterial infection has superimposed itself on the viral illness. When you have prolonged illness or the double-worsening pattern, it’s reasonable to consider antibiotics.”

Hmmm, let's think about what I told the doctor when I saw her on Tuesday: "Right now I have sore throat, nasal/chest congestion, coughing, sinus pressure. I had a fever earlier this weekend, but it only lasted a night. THREE WEEKS AGO though I had fever for a few nights, followed by chest congestion and coughing. It was slowly clearing itself up when I got hit with the new version of this."

That sure seems to fit the pattern of "double worsening" described above. And I'm still not over this crap. The doctor did say if I had a recurrence of the fever or didn't get any better that I should come back to see her. I don't know if I want to go through the rigmarole to get an appointment though.

I would have to get up and start calling at 7:30 AM hoping they have swapped the appointment system on. Get through and then hold until they could tell me if they have any appointments left. Then I would have to call hourly childcare to see if they have any openings for the time of my appointment. Then I would have to show up and wait. If it goes like my last appointment I will have to wait an hour to see the doctor after they take my vitals. Then if I am given a prescription I will have to wait at the pharmacy to pick it up. Last time that took another hour. Very frustrating. I was glad I remembered how slow things can run at the hospital so booked Gavin in for four hours, meaning I had plenty of time for everything.

To top it off I think Gavin may be picking up my cold. He's been coughing more the last few days than normal and they aren't play coughs either. I gave him something for it this morning and he hasn't coughed in a while so maybe we can kick his bug out before it settles in for the long haul like mine.

health, rambles

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