Ten Top Trivia Tips about Peasantlass! - A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted peasantlass.
- Medieval knights put the skin of peasantlass on their sword handles to improve the grip.
- The liquid inside peasantlass can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
- Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by peasantlass!
- The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood of peasantlass is blue.
- Peasantlass is 1500 years older than the pyramids.
- Peasantlass is the world's smallest mammal.
- While sleeping, fifteen percent of men snore, and ten percent grind their peasantlass.
- During severe windstorms, peasantlass may sway several feet to either side!
- If you put a drop of liquor on peasantlass, she will go mad and sting herself to death.
I like the idea of being tiny, thousands of years old and having blue blood. teehee Maybe I'm an alien.
#10 is oddly appropriate since it is true I do not drink alcohol. I had no idea a mere drop could kill me, but now I have been warned.
#8 sounds rather...dirty...