Jun 15, 2006 10:12
Wow, I haven't posted in forever and a day.
For me, it seems that spring is the season of the hermit crab (where I am both a hermit...and a crab...). I go through these phases where I will not talk to or email anyone and just sort of float about. It's not that I don't want to talk to people but I just don't ever get up and do it. I plan to do stuff, saying "today is the day I call so-and-so" or I compose emails in my head as I drive to work, ready to contact everyone, but then it never happens. So, at the end of the day I think, "oh well, maybe tomorrow" and the trend just keeps on rolling. The problem is that these are not short phases, but rather months long interludes. hmmmmm I could so be a hermit, living in a cave and seeing no one, as long as I had indoor plumbing, cable, and a supply of reading material. Human contact? psh Who needs it?