(no subject)

Mar 31, 2010 19:14

It seems to me I haven't updated in a while, and I have a lot of things to share today, so it's time to make an LJ post! :D

First off, my school is hosting Dan Choi to lecture about DADT and I am SUPER excited and going to the lecture! It's Dan Choi! He was on Rachel Maddow! whutt. Anyway. Um. Yeah, so I have to try and make this post quick so I get at least standing space (I have the feeling it's going to be packed, but maybe that's just me).

Also, I've been on a HUGE Tracy Chapman kick these past few days. I dunno what it's about, but it keeps my soul happy so who am I to argue. :P I love her voice, I love her lyrics, and I loooooove her melodies. I'm especially enamored with "Hard Wired" at the moment. It has come to my attention that she has written a LOT LOT of love songs, and if it were anyone else I would be judging just a little bit (cough cough taylor swift cough cough) but with her it just seems mature and interesting. ANYWAY. I digress.

I also have hermit crabs now! They got shipped in today, and now they're in my room (we watched two switch shells in front of us, it was HAWESOME) . :) We're doing a biology lab where we are studying whether hermit crabs get used to individuals. We shall see!

Lastly, we did LIFE DRAWING today in art class (thank goodness I didn't skip!) and apparently it came as a surprise to the professor even (it was scheduled before he took over the class) but at first I was like OH GOD I WILL HAVE TO DRAW A NAKED LADY because as much as I have done figure drawing (I mean, more than your average person, less than your average studio art major in her sophomore year) I've never done nudes, and while the prospect has never particularly bothered me, the I idea that it would actually HAPPEN was kind of frightening. But then it did, and it was fun, and my art prof said he could tell that I'd done figure drawing before (yissss oh my god i love figure drawing) and I just have to say that I think the human body is exceptionally beautiful. I think it's easy for me to forget that, because all I really see is mine and only occasional glimpses, but when I look at it for a while I just fall in love with it bit by bit, the curves and steep lines and where the shadows fall. It's quite beautiful and poetic.

So yeah, I am all for the coming of a time when people are less restrained about nudity/sensuality/what have you because the body is awesome, y'all, ain't no doubt about it.

animal, music, art, ramble

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