
Mar 08, 2010 20:45

I think there's a line between taking things as seriously as they should be taken and being too PC/easily affronted. At Wellesley I think we get really super PC, in different ways- gender/sexuality and race are seemingly always at the forefront of people's minds and treated accordingly.

Like...when HerCampus (which I believe is a blog dedicated to female college students) decided to have a "Mr. Freshman" competition and told the Wellesley branch that they expected participation, it was kind of dumb, because Wellesley has no freshmen on account of being a women's college. When the HerCampus main people responded to this by going "oh, well, just get some guys.. guy friends, brothers, boyfriends, etc, who will be willing to represent Wellesley in the competition.." It was a dumber idea.

Dumber because, as a college which has made a point of not having a male president and has a tendency to be on the radical side of feminism, they should have known Wellesley was not going to stand for having some random guys chosen at the last second to represent their campus, even on a "Mr. Freshman" contest. (Seriously though? Couldn't they just have said "oh y'all can opt out"?)

And sure enough, there was a minor uproar. I think a few people went off the far side of offended for this (seeing as it is a blog and a superficial contest on that blog), but there is one thing I am glad about.

We are now holding a Mr./Ms. Wellesley Campus First Year competition! :D Which is cute and fun and I am so glad this didn't happen last year because I have a feeling there would be a utilization of photos of me in drag which I wouldn't necessarily condone.

queerities, college

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