conglomeration of mismatched thoughts

Jan 12, 2010 21:49

I've gotten a little obsessed with Robert Downey Jr as of late. It's distressing, mostly because I used to think he was kind of adorable and vaguely attractive and now, nope, no, no more.

Ah well.

I wish I had fingerless gloves because that would mean my hands would be warm even when I work at the computer. As it is I have to stop and rub my fingers every few minutes, or clench them into fists.

Recently I aquired a new tablet, one that actually works, and it's kind of amazing how my interest in art has been slightly re-kindled. I remember back when I was in middle school and I would be inspired by anything- a song, a thought, a person, a colour combination, and I would scrawl it down in my sketchbook. Nowadays I'm a lot more discerning in what I decide to draw in my sketchbook. It's a little sad. I still bring my sketchbook with me when I go on long rides, or I try to (out of habit and the hope that I might WANT to sketch something), but I think I'm too cynical now. And too scared. It's ok when you're in middle school  and early high school and you're "into drawing" and bringing your sketchbook everywhere. Sometimes I'll take it out and draw a few nonsensical lines out of habit with a few flicks of my wrist, but especially if I'm somewhere public I get gripped by anxiety. I don't even want to think about what I might want to draw because someone will judge me for it.

I care more now about how other people will respond to my art now than I ever did when my art was of lower quality. It's ironic.

But I will keep up with it, because if I can count of the things that make me happy in life, it's pretty much- hanging out with animals, drawing, and making people happy. Or entertaining them. At least, I think so.

Part of the point of this post is that I'm just realizing that I'm actually a lot more visual-minded than I've ever let myself believe. Um. the other part is because I'm bored.

Oh, I'm reading Gerald Durrell's book My Family and Other Animals for the umpteenth time. I love the way he writes and characterises animals. 


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