Chappie X part II

Dec 09, 2009 18:54

“Ummm… Sorry to interrupt, but… we need our captain-YOU- in the court…”

Jay opened the door to the locker room wide open.

Hayato turned around and growled at his best friend.

“I will kill you… Jay…”
“Bring you back to life, and kill you again.”

“Come on…”
Kame said shyly, putting his girl act back on.
“I can’t wait to see you play.”

He nodded, and the three of them walked out of the room.
With the captain and his “lady” hand in hand.
And Jay smirking as he saw the not so sweet reactions from the audiences, and the cheerleaders.

It is official now, that Kamenashi Hayato, school’s hottest guy, is taken.

“Sasha, Keely…”
Hayato addressed both Nick and Riley’s girls.
“This is Kazuy-mi.”

“Be nice, while I’m in the court, okay?”
“If my baby complains about a single mistreat from either you, or anyone else…”
“I can only say that the rest of your school days, will be HELL…”

“Kazumi” chuckled and gave the teen’s stomach a playful smack and rubs it.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry.”
Riley nodded.
“We’ll take good care of her.”

Hayato nodded and turned to his love.

“I’ll make it quick.”

He said softly.

“Go get em, Haya.”

Kazumi chuckled.


He bent down and gave the other a soft loving kiss.

Both his best friends’ girls sighed dreamily at the sight.

Grunts and stomps could be heard by other girls, or… 99% of the girls in the stadium.

“Be right back.”

Hayato winked and dashed towards the court.

Kame blushed, and slowly sit down.
He looked around, and slightly feel afraid of the stares the girls give him.
It’s like idols life all over again.

Except right now, he is hated because he stole the most desirable guy in the school.
Well… it’s not that different anyway.
He was also hated then because he stole the most wanted lover, and the hottest man alive in Japan decades ago.

He smiled bitterly, and winced at the tugging feeling in his heart.

“It’s no use, okay?”
“You cry him a river, he’s still not going to choose you.”

“And… even if he chose you, it’s still going to be one.”

“Right… so… either way… it’s no use.”

He smiled at the silliness of Riley’s and Nick’s girl friends.
At least they are nice.
His safety is sort of guaranteed with them.

“It is so nice to finally meet you.”

Sasha gave his shoulder a squeeze.

“Hayato has been blabbing about you for months.”
Keely nodded.
“And… it’s so cute seeing him so smitten like that.”

“You know… honestly, we thought you’d be more oldER looking.”
Sasha laughed.
“With a bit of gray hair, and wrinkles, and… tacky fashion sense.”

“But… man, we’re SO wrong!!!”

“Yeah… you don’t look like you’re in your 30s.”
Keely pointed.
“And… you’re like wearing top designers, and they’re very nice.”

“Thank you…”

Kame laughed, a bit uneasy with the girls.

“Your boy is wanted by all the girls.”
Sasha shook her head.
“I know him since freshman year.”

“And, all the upperclassmen would do anything to just talk to him, to gain his attentions.”

“And get this, even some of the teachers too.”

Keely said dramatically.

Sasha nodded.
“I heard, that Mrs. Ritz, the physics teacher, started wearing short skirts and wearing button up shirts ever since Hayato is in her class.”

“And that history teacher, always make him stay after class to discuss ANYTHING, even off topics.”
“Hayato got an A on the project, she still made him stay to see if she can seduce him.”

Kame laughed.

“And… what did Haya do?”

“He just nods, and excused himself because he has basket ball practice.”

Riley laughed.

“Did I mention that a month after he turned 18, Abercrombie, Calvin Klein, and Marc Jacobs offered him to be their models?”

“NO WAY!!”

The two girls gasped.

Nick nodded.
“He said no, though.”

“He said something about what his dad would say about that.”

Sasha rubbed her hands together.
“Have you met his dad, yet?”

Keely flailed.
“He must be handsome!!!”

“I mean… look at the junior.”
“The senior must be… WOW!!!”

“You know… your boyfriends are right here…”

Kame pointed to both Nick and Riley who aren’t looking too pleased.

“Well… have you?”

Kame sighed.

“I have.”
“He’s a very nice man.”

“Be careful…”
Nick snickered.
“Uncle Kazuya might steal you away.”

Kame burst out laughing.

Nick… I am him…

Kame wanted to say that out loud.
He wonders what they’d say though.
What’d the others say if they know the truth…


He shook his head.

“Hmm… but… they don’t look alike at all, right?”

Nick pointed.

“Oh, totally not.”
Riley shook his head.
“Even though they’re father and son, they’re totally opposites.”


Sasha frowned.

“Yeah, look wise, and personality wise, they’re SO different.”

Riley added.

“Is Mr. Kamenashi as hot and handsome as Hayato?”

“I don’t know!!!”
Nick growled.
“I’m a man, I don’t judge other men.”

“Kazumi, what do you think?”

Keely smiled.

“Ah… well…”
Kame looked down.
“He’s… a very nice man.”

“And… he’s very… supportive of us.”

“Ah… that’s good then.”

The girls smiled at him.

“But really though…”
Nick turn to him.
“Uncle and Hayato are really different.”

Riley nodded.
“Uncle’s more like the… patient, soft kind of person.”

“When we were younger, we got scold a lot by our nannies, or our own parents.”
“But, when uncle would look after us in his off days, and if we do something stupid, he’d just
scold us nicely.”
“Hayato, however…”

“He will bash, yell, and he says what’s on his mind if we do something he dislikes.”
“Where as uncle would carefully choose his words and actions.”

“That’s right.”
Nick pointed.
“But, then again… we never met his mother.”

“So maybe he got his mom’s personality.”

“He’s never bothered about her either.”
Riley said.
“Hayato’s always content knowing that uncle’s there with him.”

“Uncle Kazuya is all he has, and he’s everything to him.”

Kame looked down, and bit his lips.


The crowds’ cheers snapped him back to present.
He stood up, and gave the teen his cheers.

The game ended with his baby scored the last game.
He jumped up in the air, and screamed.
The others tackled him, and they howled in victory.

“Let me go! Let me go!”

Hayato laughed as he tried to escape the huddles.

Cheerleaders were all around him, and he too shoved them away.
They’re not his to deal with.
He has a more important thing to do right now.


Kame said as he clapped his hands.

The teen grinned, and picked the other up in his arms.
Kame squeaked, and held on him tightly.
He leaned down, and gave the teen a soft kiss.

“See… how come you guys never do that to us after games?!”

Both Keely and Sasha stomped off towards Hayato to congratulate him.

Nick and Riley sighed, and made a mental note to beat the crap out of their best friend some time later.

Hayato opened the door to their apartment and let his “lady” love in.
Kame was bouncy, and still babbling about the game.
Because of the teen, he learned to like basket ball.

Even took Hayato out of states to watch the games.
And in return of the nice gesture, the teen would accompany him to base ball games.


The teen walked towards the man and wrapped his arms around him.


Kame looked up.

“Thank you.”

He whispered and took off the wig off his boyfriend’s head.

“You’re welcome, Haya…”

Kame smiled.

The teen chuckled, and smiled back at Kame.


Kame gasped, and immediately wrapped his arms around the younger’s neck.

“Eh… what’s wrong, Kazuya-san…?”

Hayato lowered his head and inhaled the scent of his hair.

Kame bit his lower lip, and fought the tears that are pooling in his eyes.


Hayato frowned.
The teen wrapped his arms around his waist when he felt him trembling.


Hayato ran his hand up and down his back.

Kame hid his face further deep into the teen’s crook of neck.

“If I can tell you anything… you can too, Kazuya-san.”

The teen said softly.

Kame pulled away, and looked the teen in the eye.

“I’m jealous of those girls.”

He pouted.


The teen blinked.

“I saw how they looked at you- no, how they’re practically raping you with their eyes!”
“How they… they… throw themselves at you.”
“Showing their bras… their panty lines… their-their-“

Hayato placed his index finger on his boyfriend’s sexy lips to make him stop talking.

“That’s why…”

“Why are you laughing, brat?!”

Kame glared at him.

The teen gasped for air.
“You’re so cute.”

Kame chuckled and shook his head.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Kazuya-san.”

The teen pulled him back to his embrace once more.

He’s not Jin, Kazuya…
Kame gulped, and closed his eyes.
Jin’s gone.

part III:


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