Chappie X part III

Dec 09, 2009 18:56

Hayato turned off the tv and placed the remote on the bed side table.

“Well… guess we should call it a night.”

“Alright, sweety.”

Kame pulled up the blanket and cover his legs with it.

“Good night.”

The teen leaned in, and gave him a good night kiss.

The usual good night kiss they share every night, turned to something passionate.
With the teen’s hands gently caressing his back, and his own buried in his hair.
Their tongues battle for dominance, and they didn’t even bother to suppress their moans.

Kame gasped as the teen began kissing his neck and down his chest.
He voluntarily lift his arms up as the teen gets rid of his shirt.
The teen brought his lips back to his, and the heated kiss continues.

Kame felt his back met the soft of his mattress, and the teen on top of him.


Hayato said between kisses down his neck.

Kame arched his back, arms tightening around the teen’s neck.

“Then Have me…”
He half moaned and whispered out.
“Have me… Haya…”

Kame stare at the sleeping form.
A soft contended smile on his lips, and his hand entwined with his own.

A familiar scene he usually see and experienced years ago.
18 years it has been, and he’d never wake up to this ever since.
And now, it’s the same thing all over again.

The difference between then and now, is the person.
He stretched out his hand, and gently give the other’s cheek a gentle caress.
Careful not to wake him up.

“…you’re not Jin…”

A tear escaped his eye.

“You’re not Jin…”

He retrieved his hand back, and muffled his cries.

“You’re not Jin…”

Hayato squints his eyes, trying to adjust to the light in the room.
He stretched his arms and legs, making the blanket around his waist dropped even lower.
When he noticed he’s not in his own room, he immediately smile.

His smile turned to sheepish grin as images of last night came flashing back in his mind.
He turned to the other side, want to greet the other with a good morning kiss.
The smile immediately vanish as he found the side empty.


He sat up, and looked around the room.

The bathroom door’s open, and no sign of his lover ever in there.


He got out of the bed, and put his boxers on, and went outside.

Kitchen, living room, office room, all empty.
No sign of his lover in the apartment.

He was startled when the phones in the house went off.
He picked up the one in the kitchen, and frowned at the caller id.




He sighed, relieved to hear his love’s voice.

“Ohayo… Haya.”

He couldn’t help but grin.
“Ah! Kazuya-san, where are you?!”

He heard his lover sigh.

“Baby, I am so sorry.”
“I think you’re going to hate me for this.”

“Hn? I won’t hate you.”
The teen said softly.
“How can I?”

The older one chuckled, and sighed again.

“My boss called me, and it was urgent.”

The smile on his lips immediately vanish, and he stare at the wall blankly.

“Where are you?”

“I’m heading down to San Francisco, baby.”



“Well… can’t be help, can it?”

He sighed sadly.

“I’m sorry for not telling you, baby.”
“I didn’t want to wake you up because you seemed so tired and-“

“I want to kiss you.”

He cut the older one off.

He heard the older cleared his throat softly.

“Ne… when are you coming home?”

“I won’t be long there, sweet heart.”
“I promise I’d be home in three days tops.”

He closed his eyes, and smiled.
“Okay… I guess… I can handle that.”

“It’s been a while since you’re on business trip.”
“Three days…”
“When you come back, your time will be focus on me, okay?”

“Baby, are you pouting?”

He heard the other laugh.

“When I come back, we’ll discuss where you want to go for your spring break, okay?”
“We’ll talk about anything to everything you want to talk about.”
“My world will revolve around you.”

The teen laughed.

“Well… okay.”
“That made me feel a bit better.”

“I’m glad, baby.”

“I love you.”
He clenched his shirt, suddenly felt like he was out of breath.
“I love you, Kazuya-san…”

“And I love you.”

“Arigatou gozaimasu...”

He smiled, and paid for the cabby.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait for you?”
The cabby frowned.
“Cabs are hard to find around the graveyard, young man.”

“Busses are slow too around here.”
“I don’t mind waiting.”

“Ah… that’s very kind of you.”
Kame smiled.
“But, that’s okay.”

“I think I’ll be fine.”
He nodded, assuring the old man.
“I like to be alone for while after…”

“Well, okay.”

The cabby nodded, knowing he can’t pester him any longer.

Kame picked up a bouquet of flowers and continue to walk further inside the graveyard.
When he reached his destination, he gently placed the flower next to the tomb stone.
Trying his best to smile as he look at the tomb stone.

赤西 仁
1984 04 07 - 2008 22 11

“Hi love…”

He said softly.

He took a seat next to the stone, and gently leaned his back on it.

“I’m the worst, aren’t I?”

He scoffed, and shook his head, ashamed of himself.

He bit his lips, and looked up at the cloudy sky in the country side of Tokyo.
“This is the part where you say no, and hug me.”

“I’m despicable…”
“I betrayed you…”
“And our son…”

“You know…”
He wiped the tears with the back of his hand.
“I hit our son for the first time.”

“He loves me… he said.”
“That in his eyes… he never see me as his father.”
“I’m despicable, Jin…”

Kame buried his face in his arms, hugging himself as he cried.

“I am so sorry.”
He turned around and laid down next to the tomb.
“I am so sorry, love.”

“I am so sorry…”
“I didn’t- I just… I wasn’t-“
“I don’t want to lose him too, Jin.”

“I lost you…”
“And I hate myself for that.”
“I can’t bear the thought of losing our son too.”

“He’s all I have left of you, Jin…”

He slowly sat up again, and face the tomb stone.

“Someday, I’ll explain it all to him.”
“Explain all the lies I’ve told and all the things I hide from him.”
“He might hate me for it, but… as long as he doesn’t hate you…”

“As long as he knows that his dad loves him so much…”
“That’s an accomplishment for me.”
“And I hope that you’ll forgive me, love.”

“I still wish to wake up from all of this and see you lying next to me…”
“If I can turn back the hands of time…”
“I still love you.”

“I love you….”

He wanted to hear the reply he used to get.
But all Kame got, just the silence and his own cries…

***To be continued***

_WUAH!!!! I am so sorry, everyone!!!
Okay, let me just come clean...
I didn't know what to write... And I hate myself for being easily distracted. And then, before I knew it, school started, and I procrastinate the fics... And then... POOF! Finals time... *sigh...*
Wish life is all about fics and akame, and kat-tun... i think it'll be easier... ne? :P
I apologize for this lateness of mine, and I thank you so much for still remembering this fic, still reading them, and even for the new readers... Thank You for reading this thing... :p
It's so nice of you guys to drop by and comments, and poke me to update!
:D thank you so much!

This chappie, I personally think it's... lame? hahaha.
I'll do my best from now on, hope the winter break gives me lots of inspirations!
ummm, I'm still as nervous as ever... so... comments please? :D
lots of comments makes me grin!!!!
:D :D :D
Any types of comments are welcome... but... please go easy on me? :P

Thank you so much, everybody!!!!

*leaves cupcakes*


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