Go VOTE tomorrow!

Nov 03, 2008 18:06

I just realized I didn't post this earlier:

Since I will not be around to post tomorrow morning I will nag on the voting subject once again…GO VOTE tomorrow!

I’m so hungry right now. Can’t quite figure this on out since it is only a bit after 9 AM as I am typing this. Guess I am going to have to fix my lunch early…way early.

Sat down yesterday evening a picked up the sock I had been knitting for Dearest and decided that I didn’t like the way it was coming out. I ripped it out and started all over again so instead of 6” finished I have 3” finished.

We made a quick trip to Lowes yesterday to acquire two 2x4’s for the new firewood rack. Got home and put it together. While we were there we looked at all of the Christmas stuff. Of course Dearest saw some village houses and a few carnival rides - all motorized and moving enticingly. It was all I could do to keep him from bring some home.

Looking at all of this stuff made me think that I should start the house decorations, like getting out the Christmas tree and mantle trimmings. Maybe I enlist Dearest’s help this afternoon since he won’t be able to do any lifting after tomorrow.

I wonder what the new kitties are going to think of all of this? Hopefully we will not wake up to find a dancing tree like we did a few years ago.

Google pays small change to open every book in the world - why do I get the feeling that authors are going to get screwed?

knitting, cats, google, voting, decorating

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