Title: Remus Lupin and the Revolt of the Creatures, Chapter Three: Doubts about His Motives, Part One
Author: PaulaMcG
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: (subtly, eventually) Remus/Sirius
Era and universe: Summer and autumn 1996, an alternative world after OotP
Chapter summary: Remus doesn’t stand aside and he gets a chance to practise some Magic of Healing
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Comments 11
Just a few minor grammar things: in the first line, it would be enought to say "a sound in (or inside) his dream"; you don't need the "of." In this line -- his eyes on the owners face, you want "owner's" with an apostrophe. And in the phrase "millstone cake," I think you mean "milestone." Finally, in he saw the grown ( ... )
Argh! This is my error. I went back and looked at the story, and somehow I had totally missed the sentence about Fred and his levitation. Of course "millstone" makes perfect sense in this context -- and is pretty funny, too. So just forget I said anything! /g/
I just started reading this today. Is part two of chapter 3 posted yet? When I click on the link it goes to an Error page that says I can't read the entry.
I really like the idea of Remus as a painting artist. I was hoping that the next part would have more of the painting.
I was wondering if when Remus says "a real portrait" if that means a magical portrait where Hedwig will be able to move.
I'm glad that Mrs. Porchead is starting to appreciate Remus. He's always been my favorite Potterverse character.
Yes, part two of chapter three has been posted, and I made it public just a moment ago - as soon as I saw your comment. I’ve posted until chapter nine, but I chose to keep the entries f-locked as long as I needed to call the story a WiP. Now I need to change the headings before making the entries public. I’d also like to start posting (links to) the story chapter by chapter in some communities. But I’m still considering whether I should change the title. In fact, your opinion could help me decide... Perhaps it’s hard for you to say which title would cover what’s essential in the story, when you’ve read so little of it, but do you think something like Of Pain, Sharing and Change would sound better than my working title - which can make some ( ... )
In a way I'm glad that I couldn't keep reading. I tend to get hypnotized by stories. It was already 2am when I had to stop reading, I would have been up all night if there were more links.
I only friended a very few R/S authors. The ones I thought I never wanted to lose track of. I sort of followed Sheafrotherdon over to Stargate Atlantis and did most of my reading there for the past two or three years ( ... )
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