Title: Remus Lupin and the Revolt of the Creatures, Chapter Three: Doubts about His Motives, Part One
Author: PaulaMcG
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: (subtly, eventually) Remus/Sirius
Era and universe: Summer and autumn 1996, an alternative world after OotP
Chapter summary: Remus doesn’t stand aside and he gets a chance to practise some Magic of Healing
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At this stage it was a challenge for me to build up a scene with a lot of people who were also not only sitting around a table talking. I’m glad you think I’ve succeeded by showing some of those canon characters more closely, like shining the spotlight on each in turn.
I’m happily surprised that my depiction of someone like Moody can be satisfying. It has worried me that I’ve used several rather important and interesting canon characters in very limited ways. At least it’s always been a pleasure to remember to use magic (based on books one to five) and to add to it - so it always warms my heart to learn that a particular detail makes sense in a reader’s view, too.
I’ve now gratefully fixed all the grammar things you mentioned. But I really meant that the cake had the shape and size of such large stones which are used in water mills. The phrase “millstone cake” must sound strange, though, and I wonder if it is enough that several paragraphs earlier I say that Fred was levitating “something that looked like a millstone covered with sugar icing”. Perhaps when I mention the cake again I should write just something like “his huge cake”.
This is just the kind of feedback at least I’ve dreamt of getting: encouraging praise and helpful concrit. Yes, I’ve just received your elatinng reply to my review. It’s almost 2 a.m. here and I’m falling asleep, but it’s wonderful to know we’ve been writing to each other at the same time. I’m looking forward to reading more about your fascinating ladies tomorrow. (Oh, you mention my chapter four, so I just need to ask you to check whether you’ve read the second part of chapter three. But no pressure...) I’ve understood that the start of the term has been stressful for you, so I wish you a relaxing weekend, above all, and time for writing whatever you like best. And yes, thank you, I’ve been well - and this contact has made me happier at moments of renewed bittersweet thoughts.
Argh! This is my error. I went back and looked at the story, and somehow I had totally missed the sentence about Fred and his levitation. Of course "millstone" makes perfect sense in this context -- and is pretty funny, too. So just forget I said anything! /g/
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