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Jun 09, 2012 09:57

I just did that 60 minute workout I mentioned earlier, and all I can say is holy shit. Based on doing the previous workouts I had an idea of what I was in for, but holy hell I did not expect to sweat that much or have my heart pounding doing a workout that amounts to stretching (OK so you do engage your muscles, but still, it's primarily stretching). Definitely going to stick with it at least for the rest of the month and see what happens. Already, I feel like what I'm walking a little taller and standing a little straighter.

Just threw my laundry in. Gotta downstairs to switch it out in a few minutes. I want to change the sheets on the bed, too. Other than that, I just have to run a few errands. American Eagle is having a 20% off sale this weekend so I want to get a new pair of jeans and probably a few new shirts too, mostly because I'm pretty sure one of my awesome neon colored tanks got ruined by mistake,although I'll know for sure once the laundry is finished. I was going to go the bank but I think they close at noon today. I just need to go to the ATM so I can do that any time, really.

Other than, nothing special. Just farting around until later tonight when we go to see Blue Man Group!! I'm so excited! We've been wanting to go see them in Boston for awhile, but sometimes the whole getting there/parking, etc shebang just makes it such a hassle, even when it's something wicked fun. Bought these tickets late last year so I'm glad it's finally here! Hoping to be home in time to catch the end of the Celtics game, but we'll see what happens.
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