PEOPLE WHO ARE BITCHING ABOUT HOW DULL F1 IS AT THE MOMENT. Seriously what the actual fuck are you watching?? It's been brilliant! Even if you don't like the drivers/teams that are doing well you can't ignore that fact that the racing is so fucking close. I can't believe you don't remember a few years ago when the same driver was winning everything left right and centre.
Fisi was so fucking good! I am so happy for him, and the shear pace of that Force India, holy hell I couldn't stop biting my knuckles; I was so worried something on the car was going to break.
I haven't updated in forever because I've been changing and coming to terms with myself, as I really am. And this is going to piss loads of you off but the main reason I've been avoiding you guys is because I am happy and I neither care or want to deal with all your issues. If you think this makes me selfish, well I am well aware of the fact I am being selfish and that because of it I've never been happier.
Basically the point of this post is that I'm going to be more active on lj, and that I'm taking back my journal for myself. I've being kind of terrified to post anything out of fear of offending people, but now I'm saying fuck that shit, it's my journal.
Anyway, I'm basically holding a de-friending amnesty, if you’re fucked off with me you can de-friend me and visa-versa.
So Hi livejournal, my name is Patch and lets start over again.