Jun 28, 2011 00:25
So I just watched the first two episodes, and I have Thoughts:
*Marnie channelling Eddie will haunt my most horrific nightmares for weeks to come. I know I said yesterday that I wasn't interested in Marnie - she obviously heard me, and vowed to make me pay for my impudence. She is fucking terrifying. She will eat me in my sleep. And she gave Eric amnesia! Poor Eric, I want to pet him.
*Tara is so motherfucking beautiful. I was so happy to hear her calmly reasoning with that creepy perv, I thought she'd learned to keep her shit together - but of course, now she's living in New Orleans and her girlfriend thinks she's named Toni and is from Atlanta. WTF girl.
*I don't know if I like Naomi or not yet, but I'm totally in love with Luna. It's only episode two and already Janina Gavankar has made me care about her character - I wanted to hug her when she told that story about her mother. Also, you guys ... Papi got naked :D That will never not be awesome.
*What in the name of everliving fuck is up with Lafayette's hair? Lala, I love you baby, but that has got to go.
*Tommy is such a creepy little skeeze, sucking up to Maxine like that, but I adore him for it. And Maxine is such a horrendous cow.
*I thought I was going to hate the time jump, but it was actually a good way to move the story forward - however, that doesn't mean it wasn't a little sketchy in places, Signifying time by using new hairstyles is kind of lazy (even if some people's new dos are completely fierce - Tara, I'm lookin' at you. Arlene, Bill, Lafayette - I'm looking at you less.). I need a little more background on the whole Bill being King thing, one flashback just didn't cut it. I also need way more of the Maxine/Jessica fallout. Some more Jason/Andy context would also not go astray.
*OMG, QSA! They have to find a way to bring her back, she was too fabulous to die.
*I hate to say it, but Hoyt is ... kind of a jerk now. I know they're trying to show that a human-vampire relationship is tricky, but all I'm really getting from this is that Hoyt is dull, and that Jessica is not cut out for a boring married existence.
*They seem to be ... I don't know ... trying too hard with Pam, or something. She doesn't need to giggle to make her point. It's as if she's become more accessable now, y'know? I mean, she's great and all, but can't she go back to being bitchy and better than everyone else?
*Bill's house looks a lot like Russell Edgingtons'. Same decorator? Or lazy set/prop department? I did like the female form statue though. Bill needs to be more about the physical, less about the emo.
*Who is this Katarina chick? I already kind of don't like her, but I can't pinpoint why, so that makes her interesting to me in a way.
*I want Alcide, Debbie, Russell, and everyone else we haven't seen yet, to come back.
*Evil or not, Arlene's baby is ugly. I adore Terry's cuteness though.
*Bahahahahaha Sookie owes Andy a plaque.
*Pam's red dress is the fiercest thing I have ever seen and I want it.
*Does Jesus have a point besides being expositional? I like him and all, but he needs to be better utilised.
*Who is that guy who plays Emry (or whatever the fuck that guy in Sam's shifter club is called), I recognise him from something, and it's going to bug me. The blonde shifter chick already kind of bugs me.
*OMG. You guys. YOU GUYS. Bill had 80s hair and spoke with a Sex Pistols accent, you guys. FIGHT ON MATE.
*It's Nan Flanagan! Hi Nan Flanagan! So, lemme get this straight, the authority do rule the monarchs again now? Seeing as how Russell is all cementy?
*The parrot was named Minerva. I SEE WHUT YEW DID THAR. Minerva as in McGonagall, Fiona Shaw as in Aunt Petunia. Nicely done.
*Evil!Fairyland just looked ... odd. I think I need a rewatch to get used to that.
*OMG Eric, let Sookie have her house back, you creeper.
*Felton, Crystal, and all the other Hotshot people are still super icky.
*Can't sleep. Marnie will eat me.
true blood