Armed Intervention 008 || The war on pink (Part 1)

Aug 13, 2011 15:39

 [ A - Phone ]

[ It wasn't often Nena had a serious use to use the phone, but, regardless, she had to now. An epiphany came, nearly out of nowhere. With all of the dronings of people close to her... there was always one thing in common.

She liked them, or she knew them well. When Nena picks up the phone, she sounds serious. In fact, so serious that this side of her may just have never been seen ever. No one could even guess that this level of seriousness existed in Mayfield. ]
Citizens of Mayfield, this is really really important so listen up! Mayfield has time and time again take away all of the fun things just to make us miserable and it affects us time and time again! Euphie, Johann, my Mayfield dad, two of my Mayfield sisters, Higgs, Xion, My Gundam, and the ability that people should be dead when they are killed. But, I, Nena Trinity, have discovered a common link against all of them!

Mayfield eliminates anything that falls into this specific category, and, thus, they have declared a war. A war on...

PINKThey're callous, rude, and selfish when it comes to this awesome color and I won't allow it anymore! I, Nena Trinity, was specifically created to eradicate war with total annihilation tactics and Mayfield, and those that take its side for hating pink, is no exception! I will lead the resistance against Mayfield from here on out! Wear pink and wear it proud! If you wish to join my efforts, I will be at the park training my attack duck squad.

[ And thus, this is what happens when you take someone like Nena Trinity and put a metaphorical sledgehammer to her psyche for 6 months. She has gone off the deep end. ]

[ Action B - The Park! ]

[ And true to this, Nena Trinity is in the park and training her attack ducks. They're hilariously ineffectual. To anyone that's curious, the duck is just a duck with a bunch of knives taped its head. Sometimes it could fly by you and it makes a pretty close call, and other times, you'll just see one flailing in the wind. How they can be so complacent is anyone's guess, but, there are indeed ducks with knives on their heads, flying randomly everywhere.

The only sign of success is a drone with a very noticeable cut on his arm, but, other than that, it seems nothing of consequence is happening. Except Nena shouting commands. She looks a tad tired, as if she's been doing this for hours.

ooc: please note that your characters won't be getting harmed in this unless you want them to! there will be close calls (like a duck flying right by you, or something) ]

[ Action C - The Bakery ]

[ Of course, Nena needs to support and get more people to join her cause right? So after some grueling training, she'll kick in the door and scream ]

ATTACK DUCKS, PILLAGE! [ And in comes the attack duck squad, squawking and flying around the store, they seem to just be panicking as they fly around squawking. The drone at duty will command that these filthy animals get out of the store! Nena, realizing that they need more training, will just walk up behind the counter and procede to rob the place of anything pink and edible

ooc: please note that your characters won't be getting harmed in this unless you want them to! there will be close calls (like a duck flying right by you, or something)  ]

[ Action D - Wherever you are!  ]

[ What better way to raise pink awareness than to put pink literally in someone's face?! Anyways, enjoy a strawberry cupcake flying right towards your face! Once you either dodge it, destroy it, or get hit in the face completely. You'll just see Nena standing there with a clipboard and flanked by her attack ducks.

Laugh at her or get angry? Or both? Your choice! But she'll be walking up to you, with her usual peppiness ] Hi! Can I get your support for something?!

[ ooc: please note that your characters won't be getting harmed in this unless you want them to! there will be close calls (like a duck flying right by you, or something) ]

[ Action E - Your home! ]

[ Of course, Nena Trinity has been droned with all of the hell she's created! So enjoy a drone little girl... who doesn't seem a lot like Nena. With her continous, calm, smile, and more uptight posture. Any chance that this could be Nena flies through when she begins to speak ]

Good evening, may I ask if you are interested in girl scout cookies? I am selling some for my troop. 3,000 more boxes and I finally get the cookbook I have been pining for since I was a young girl.

nena trinity, &that shitty daughty song aka home, pressed the wrong switch, you better fucking praise me, blah blah blah, start telephonin me-e-e-e-e-e, and so the day is saved, blow them all up, i'm about to kill a bitch, gives you diabetus, gotta love them all pokemon, mayfield's newest warfare, c: diamonds in the rough, c: adachi likes bitches and whores, c: chaos is my favorite thing, robotic wonderland, &the city ... of mayfield!, may the force be with you, look at all these cool weapons!, why are you looking at this, c: hayate-!, c: yuri the deadpan snarker, keep talkin that blah blah blah, help i'm lost and i can't get up, sugar sugar sugar, dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing , god save us all, c: i bombed lithuania, those drones are lookin at meh funneh, causing misery makes me squee, [action post], broken arm, what do i drone, ruining school time for everyone, a yangire is you, i got all my gundams with me, drones are funsuckers, c: charles is the britney to my rihanna, pure hilarity, &bakers and floors, &the park is for hippies and children, c: my cupcakes bring all the fujiwaras t, drone drone drone, families will be torched, herpaderp, we are family, attack of the drones, i like his stare, c: fluttershy away from me, c: virginia rides that pony, the fucking best post ever, immaturity, topped myself again ;x, i gots my gundam yaaaaay, c: keine likes my duckies, c: i bombed spain, who let this girl play with gundams, it's prom night, &other people's houses are flammable :d, [phone post], pink is bestest!, c: nanananana batmaaaan, stealing is fun, cupcakes are filled with sugar, i'll bake your cock, my love is sugar, lives will be lost, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, c: hong king kong bong dong, oh the crimes i am committing, this is my mayfield's yangire, wake up in the morning, lights nena action

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