Armed intevention 007 || Teach me, Nena-Sensei! (50%)

Jul 04, 2011 16:16

  [ The phone line clicks on to hear Nena's bright and bubbly voice, as if nothing out of the ordinary is going on ]

Hello Mayfieldians! I decided to do all of you a favor and teach you about a Gundam! A Gundam is a [ And just like that, her voice changes in nearly a split second. The change between two pitches is nearly mechanical in how it sounds. The happy, bright and bubbly voice of Nena Trinity becomes more positive, but subdued. It's not bouncing all over the place, but it's nearly an exceptionally fake positive tone. The change is so jarring, her voice lowers an octive ]  giant robot all of those boys are talking about theses days! It has its own comic in the amazing adventures of- [ Her voice immediately bounces back into it's usual, over excited, peppy, self ] Celestial Being!

A Gundam was created by  The united states of America to wipe out those pesky stupid communists! [ Her voice continues to switch near instantaneously with some seriously unsettling dronbotic effect ] Through things called armed armed armed armed armed armed armed [ Her voice keeps on skipping, as if, in the preoccupied battle for her mind and her decisions her only way of expressing anything is just repeating the same word over again. Eventually, this carries over to her drone and her voice ] armed armed armed armed armed and ready with water guns! but they have previous experience in The war against the British in 1776!

They're really powerful but that's only expected for something created by the awesome United States of America! and only the greatest people have them like that charming officer Grady, and that busybody of a Mayor!!  [ And now, her voice - her own eager, saccharine, immature bubbly tone, begins to take over as she still rambles as a drone ]

I sure am lucky lucky lucky to live in a town as great as mayfield! I have all that I need! My mom, my dad, my sister, my school, even Old Woman Kyrie sure is swell! [ Nena's hushed voice begins to mumble, interrupting her drone ramblings while retaining the same voice ] But what about Johann or Michael... my brothers? I sure don't have any brothers but I do wish I did! Maybe Mommy and Daddy can can can can can can can can [ Her voice skips around, once again preoccupied by the supposed battle of whether or not she was in Mayfield her whole life! She had such strong memories of Johann and Michael and them blowing things up, but she had equally strong memories of her and Dawn holding cutesy slumber parties as Eva cooked pancakes ] the stork! [ And then she snaps. Anyone that wasn't paying attention previously would definitely be paying attention now, as Nena begins shrieking one of the most highest pitched, annoying, and ferocious shrieks any person could possibly listen to. It's intolerable on many levels ]

I  don't want to have these stupid memories anymore! Someone take these things away! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I can't take this anymore! These thoughts aren't even the real me! Someone help me! I'll even accept help from that Slugging Baseball Champion! Mickey Mantle!

[ And with that, the phone mysteriously decides to hang up ]

&that shitty daughty song aka home, [phone post], c: keroro is a frogogo, help i'm lost and i can't get up, sugar sugar sugar, start telephonin me-e-e-e-e-e, blow them all up, and so the day is saved, god save us all, help i've fallen and i can't get up, we are family, attack of the drones, those drones are lookin at meh funneh, c: adachi likes bitches and whores, this is my mayfield's yangire, c: government vriska, a yangire is you, robotic wonderland

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