Armed intevention 006 || It's both rabbit season AND duck season (Backdated to Friday Morning)

May 28, 2011 01:05

[ A - Phone. ]
[ Hello Mayfield! Nena's voice is clear as crystal and is quite easily identifiable. ]

So, everyone got one of those letters saying you have to kill someone, right?

Who else besides me is going to participate in this?

[ B  - Streets of Mayfield or your house or your house! ]

[ Nena seems to be walking with a purpose, her walk has an extra spring. Her giggle has some extra innocence and she seems hyper alert in her activity. She'll either approach you, running and waving her arms to slow you down or...

She'll be knocking on your door, with a rather cheerful smile. Regardless, she'll be saying the same thing. ]

Hi! Can I ask you somethings?

[ C - The Hardware Store ]
[ An obscene sight for anyone who ... doesn't know Nena. She'll have, on the counter, an insane amount of make-shift weaponry. Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Machetes, Hammers, Cleavers, Chia Pets, Knives, Rope, Duct Tape, Rakes, Lawn mowers, Chainsaws, Gardening Shears, Trowels, Some Gum, Clay Pots, Planks of Wood, Bags of Dirt, Sledgehammers, Axes, Metal Pipes, Crowbars, Mayfield Milk - Straight From the Dairy, Portable Drills, Matches, Gasoline, A Light Saber, An Iceberg, Death Eater In A Can, Crucifixes, a Gryffon, a Demonic Contract From Satan Ensuring Her Safety In Return For Lifetimes Of Service, 8 Harpies, 7 Pet Ninja Wolves, 6 Geese A Laying, Five Golden Rings, A Partridge In A Pear Tree and Some Bird Seed. You know. For the birds. That Nena is attempting to train into man-eating vicious rats with wings ]

What do you mean I have to pay for all of this stuff?! That doesn't even make sense! I should get all of these free anyways! I have important things to do! I can't be held back by money!

Ah, but Miss, I can't just let you walk with all of these things free. That'd ruin my business.

I don't care! And what's with the big idea of not giving me a gun anyways?! I want a gun right now!

[ D - Shooting Range  ]
[ Nena's seen standing triumphantly at the shooting range with a variety  of destroyed dummies. They're either completely chopped into bits, crushed until the stuffing itself explodes out of them, or they've been shot until they resemble swiss cheese. Nena just sweetly giggles while keeping her foot on one of the fake bodies ]

Hmph, I win again!

[ E - High School ]

[ For those of you that know Nena, she seems completely like herself - except she's a bit more serious and secretive. Instead of usually zooming all over the place like her usual self, she's more focused and quiet. Not quiet enough to fly under the radar, but quiet enough to intrigue some interest. Want to talk to her and find out? She's mostly looking in the direction of Mr. Veidt's classroom, utterly silent. ]

c: i bombed the netherlands, &that shitty daughty song aka home, c: charlie is not a girls name, c: ragna is cray cray, pressed the wrong switch, pure hilarity, you better fucking praise me, c: lockon and ready to shoot, c: keiichi x boobies ot3, start telephonin me-e-e-e-e-e, drone drone drone, c: koyomi crushes my dreams, and so the day is saved, blow them all up, i'm about to kill a bitch, attack of the drones, c: adachi likes bitches and whores, immaturity, the fucking best post ever, c: chell tastes like shells, &the city ... of mayfield!, c: japan is making hentai of me right no, c: bad mamiries, c: yuri the deadpan snarker, &other people's houses are flammable :d, c: mr. roboto minato arisato, [phone post], c: leonaaaardo's mona lisa smile, this post is just the worst, regain your insanity, c: hideyoshishishishishishishishi, stealing is fun, god save us all, c: zidanish!, c: mrs. roboto minako arisato, those drones are lookin at meh funneh, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, lives will be lost, causing misery makes me squee, [action post], c: basini the pastry, c: nina is spiiiinleeeesss, ruining school time for everyone, oh the crimes i am committing, this is my mayfield's yangire, skool is fucking lame, c: i'm with miu, a yangire is you, &hardon for hardware, lights nena action, drones are funsuckers, &hooome on the shooting range

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