Conspiracy Theories

Mar 03, 2007 14:11

1) Was the Pentagon really hit by a plane?

2) Does what happen in Facebook stay in Facebook?

Interesting. I love conspiracy theories-- they're impossible to prove, but have the ability to make you stop in your tracks and think twice about something.

Regarding #2, I'm positive that facebook is taking our information and selling it and using it to make money in some way or another, and that it puts everyone at greater risk for identity theft and who knows what else. The scary thing is that even though I know it's probably true, a part of me doesn't really care. And what's scary about that is that I'm usually the type of person to really care about stuff like that.

The conspiracy theorist in me would like to suggest that this is exactly how "THEY" want us to be, so that on a greater scale, privacy and liberty can slowly be taken away without anyone really noticing or being bothered by it. (Whoever "THEY" are. Governments. Huge multi-national corporations wanting to squeeze every last dollar out of us. Voldemort. *Shrug*)

random, conspiracy theories

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