
Mar 29, 2007 01:55

You know, sometimes I wish that Yahoo! had a hotline one could call. That way I could call them* and ask "WHY IS YAHOO GROUPS SO FUCKING RETARDED??"** Gah.

*I just have to add, that I don't believe in abusing customer service representatives. They don't deserve to be yelled at just because the company they work for is shit. It's always much more productive to yell at the head office, because they're usually the ones who pass down rules without knowing anything about being on the front line of dealing with customers. The head office will blame all problems on the customer service people, and the customer service people will blame the head office. The head office doesn't care about the customer service people, and the customer service people don't care about their jobs because they're paid shit and have to deal with irate customers...just a vicious cycle. No accountability.
**I'm sorry for using the word "retarded".

But yeah. Yahoo = teh sucky.

life, stupidity, crap

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