It seems like Muffin and Will are trying to become friends and so far so good. It's hard to tell, to be honest! Muffin and Will do recognize that they are birds, but they can't figure out the body language at all. I think Will must have tried to feed Muffin because Muffin shrieked and flew away in a panic while I was working at the kitchen table. No one expects surprise barf in their mouth, LOL! Muffin screams and flaps and sometimes whistles at Will (which he used to do with Feisty) and Will bobs and weaves and gets all excited.
I put two comfy perches on the outside of the budgie cage and Muffin uses them to visit with Will. It took a few bits of corn flakes to teach Muffin to go up and down them. They have spent about a month and a half getting to know each other. They preen together and spend time together. When Will calls, Muffin will fly upstairs, so that's hopeful!
I have been trying to teach Will to step up and it's not going so well. At first I was hopeful when he lost his fear of the perch and stepped on it to step over it. Now he is back to just flying all over the place. I tried twist tying millet to the end of the stick, but no luck. Some days there are going to be setbacks :-D