Tee hee!

May 11, 2021 21:38

Working from home has it’s charms-good or bad. My birds decided to lose their minds during a tech support call while I was trying to give instructions to someone. I selectively muted to minimize the noise, but my co-worker still told me a hilarious story after Muffin flew away with a big eagle scream.

My co-worker used to work in a call centre as a booking agent and one caller stood out. It was absolute chaos in the background! What was going on? The caller apologized and said she had ten parrots and they were raising havoc as parrots will often do. One was singing Old MacDonald in the background (must have been an African grey or an Amazon!) and another one was yelling “Shut up!” While the other birds were presumably squawking. The caller said she had just arrived home, and as any bird owner can tell you...it’s happy scream time for a good solid hour when the flock is all together. I didn't feel so bad after that :-D
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