Booking Through Thursday: Paper or Plastic?

May 30, 2007 12:12

Booking Through Thursday
  • Do you read e-Books?
    • Yup.  Not too often, but frequently when I travel.
  • If so, how? On your computer, or a PDA?
    • I've done both - but it turns out my PDA works very nicely for them.  I've the last freeware version of uBook, and it's great at formatting .txt files, and is quick at searching.  I've used Microsoft Reader before, but the proprietary .lit files are huge.
  • Or are you a paper purist? Why?
    • Well, I still haven't bought any e-books. I admit to being concerned about formats being unsupported in the future (pdf which is a standard is the only one I really don't like for e-books, as they're unsearchable and usually huge). 


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