Booking through Thursday: One Last Thing

Jun 07, 2007 02:17

Almost everyone can name at least one author that you would love just ONE more book from. Either because they’re dead, not being published any more, not writing more, not producing new work for whatever reason . . . or they’ve aged and aren’t writing to their old standards any more . . . For whatever reason, there just hasn’t been anything new (or worth reading) of theirs and isn’t likely to be.
If you could have just ONE more book from an author you love . . . a book that would be as good any of their best (while we’re dreaming) . . . something that would round out a series, or finish their last work, or just be something NEW . . . Who would the author be, and why? Jane Austen? Shakespeare? Laurie Colwin? Kurt Vonnegut?

I'd really love to read the completed version of 21, the last Aubrey-Maturin book. It's just got some very tempting snippets of his plans, and honestly seemed promising. That said, this really only is an issue because I know the book exists - otherwise I would have been quite content with Blue at the Mizzen as it ended the saga so nicely.
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