somehow i always come back to orbitals

May 24, 2012 10:42

s) Work tired me out an absurd amount considering all I did tonight was review. (For those of you who don't work with me -- which is to say, you know, everyone -- what that means in practical terms is that I sat at my desk all night and ate way the fuck too many chocolate Teddy Grahams. I went into the lab once, and that was to get my instrument's logbook so I could check everything at the same time. Also to ask Tori if she would put on the Lady Fixalot hat, but that was the same trip.)

p) Anybody who is considering one/multiple of these, let me tell you: well worth it. I have six of the eight figurines, and have Serious Plans involving my Wegmans and Saturday morning. It's really, really easy to figure out what's what if you're just looking for the figurines (or the skateboards or disc launchers, whatever) -- I stood there for what must have been five minutes sorting through the boxes to make sure.

(And don't believe the "ultra-rare Captain America!!!" hype; he was the first one I opened and I have two of him and yet don't have a full set yet.)

d) I will have Actual Work to do when I get to work tonight, hopefully. I like having Actual Work; reviewing is still work, sure, but I feel a lot more accomplished when I'm actually testing shit. Also it makes me feel like less of a shirker when I take time out of my day to discuss Very Important Things with Tori and Eric -- today's main point was this video, which they both thoroughly enjoyed (my commentary on it, when I first watched a few days ago: hey immortality, is that papa fitch? the answer, if anyone's curious, is yes) -- when I have stuff running and am waiting for it than if I'm just doing that instead of paperwork.

f) I sent my dad a happy birthday!!! text this morning at 7:30, which is when I re-remembered I wanted to do so (when I realized I was busy being buried by paperwork), but luckily I don't think he read it until 9 or so. It's incredibly weird to realize that when he was my age, I was already around (and two, already) and now he's ... dating someone my age. Idk life is weird.

real life what?, i don't know what this is, do you want to be a florist?, l) i) s) t) s), facepalm to the power of infinity, i speak entirely in parentheses, quotent quotables, :o!!!

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