operation: post a little more often, damn it IS A GO

May 16, 2012 10:18

Apparently the answer to how do I figure out my new character's actual voice? like, the one he uses to talk? is open up a Notepad document and ask him questions.

It's surprisingly effective.

(So are the excedrin and tylenol PM I took half an hour ago. I'm at that incredibly strange point, this particular moment, where my headache's mostly gone but the sleepy hasn't kicked in yet but I know it's coming. It's actually helpful, because it's a signal I should go get done what I want to do before I go to bed before I start getting loopy and useless.

Also that I should probably stop writing, because after a certain point it's just going to be really absurd questions and really absurd answers back and forth, and that will probably amuse me but be useless, practically speaking.)

This entry lives both here and at http://tiltingheartand.dreamwidth.org/546834.html -- comment wherever you like!

gotta get with the assembling, i don't know what this is, milliways, i totally win at life, eventually i will be well-rested, facepalm to the power of infinity, i speak entirely in parentheses, yes the italics are necessary, headache :(, :o!!!

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