(no subject)

May 14, 2012 04:09

I definitely went to go see The Avengers again today. (And I would definitely go see it again. Once, twice, whatever.)

No, seriously, it mostly makes me go ♥_____♥ BUT HERE GOES.
-- Trading cards.
--- Man, Coulson is going to have a fit when he finds out what Fury did to his cards. (Because he's not dead.)
-- Love means never apologizing for a forced cognitive reboot.
-- Also, I enjoyed how the fight between Clint and Natasha was so much a fight between two people who know each other well enough that they know how the other person's going to fight. Like, you're going to do this and then I'm going to do this and then.
-- This is really exceedingly stupid, but 120 MILLION KELVIN. No degrees!
-- It just made me really happy okay.
-- So did all of the interactions between Bruce and Tony, actually, all of them completely the end.
-- I haven't seen anybody comment on this, so I don't know if it was just me, but: when Loki comes through the Tesseract at the very beginning, the areas around his eyes look incredibly yellow. Are we just assuming that is exhaustion due to travel? (It's fine if we are, I just am curious.)
-- Nick Fury is a stone-cold badass and I am still dying to know what happened to his left eye that he's got spidering into his face like he does.
-- "This moron is giving me everything." // "Thank you for your cooperation." Actually Natasha is a stone-cold badass, and I love everything about her.
-- Doesn't Gwyneth Paltrow, like, tower over RDJ in real life?
-- I loved her and her 12% of a moment and her "booooo!" anyway, though.
-- Seriously, Bruce Banner, all the hugs.
-- My response would probably also be "it seems to run on some form of electricity!" soooo.
-- Tony actually had to think to translate what he was trying to tell Steve about the engine into English. I may have run into that, before, uh. I just love that that's a thing, like, at a certain point it does become harder to speak in regular English and it takes a second to make the language-switch! So it would take him a second to figure out how to say it clearer! (See also, from I, Robot: "Now, wasn't that easier to say?" "Not really. No.")
-- I loved the way it ended: Loki (with his lips sewn shut!) and Thor are off to Asgard for ~justice~, Steve is off being awesome on his motorcycle, Clint and Natasha are going off somewhere to be awesome and spy-y, and Tony and Bruce are driving off into the sunset.

I finally figured out why I have been so goddamn tired for the last two weeks: usually I make up for whatever sleep I lost during the week on Saturday night, when I sleep for twelve or fourteen hours. Now I'm working Saturday nights I never have a day where I can do that, so I'm probably at like -10 or -15 hours of sleep right now. It's awesome, let me just tell you.

And then earlier
delight and
distractionary and
majesdane and I broke Gmail by accident. It was actually very exciting.

This entry lives both here and at http://tiltingheartand.dreamwidth.org/546671.html -- comment wherever you like!

movies, gotta get with the assembling, the evil twin paradox, i totally win at life, do you want to be a florist?, eventually i will be well-rested, i speak entirely in parentheses, yes the italics are necessary, eerie similarities are our specialty

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