1) I got to go see The Avengers Sunday afternoon. It was the first movie in I honestly do not remember how long that when my mom and I went to go sit down one of the people who worked there asked if we could wait outside so they could clean up. We were like 20 minutes early. The last show had just let out completely.
1) SPEAKING OF WHICH. My thoughts on The Avengers are mostly a slightly-unintelligible stream of capslock and exclamation points, and that's ... well, pretty indicative of me as a whole, but not, I think, terribly coherent when talking to other people. I'm going to see it again this Sunday, probably, so maybe then I will make more sense.
2) Speaking of which squared,
here is a really spoilery article about this version of The Hulk which manages to articulate a lot of my thoughts. (Non-spoilery thoughts: SCIENCE!!!)
3) Saturday night, as a result of a conversation during which I discovered that Tori and Eric would both enjoy being in an Avengersandwich, with the exception of, and I quote, "that Hawkeye dude, what's he even doing there? no way is he as good-looking as the rest of them", I was trying to get Tori to at least see the other side, but then she said he looked like a hobbit and I thought, well, time to give up.
12:30 Tuesday morning I got this text: I take it back. Jeremy renner is not a hobbit. he is a fine looking gentleman and an excellent marksman.
Pretty sure I won this round.
5) I may have accidentally (*cough*) convinced
immortality to join
milliways_bar but I ADMIT TO NOTHING.