I have been attempting to ignore the "hey, you're getting sick!" signals my body has been shoving at me in the hopes that if it realizes I'm not paying attention it'll just stop, but, uh. I think the fact that I slept 11 hours last night and then took a 3.5 hour nap this afternoon kind of proves me wrong, there. (Well, that and the fact that my throat is killing me, I'm still exhausted, and also I keep fucking sneezing. AND IT HURTS TO SNEEZE.)
Other than that, idk. The problem I was having at work last week (which, for what it's worth, is not at all person-related) has gone from ARGH THIS IS AWFUL WHAT WILL WE DO to WAIT WHAT THE SHIT IS HAPPENING. Saturday morning I actually said "what the shit" out loud a few times when I was getting my stuff off of the printer (I use the one in our office because the spreadsheets I use are miles clearer on the laser printer than the one in the hall). But, you know, on the bright side, pretty sure my supervisor is no longer legitimately worried that the FDA might shut us down, so that's always nice.
(We got a warning letter a few weeks ago as a result of our response -- or lack thereof, I guess -- to the 483s (~observations~) they gave us when they came through and audited last summer. This isn't me telling information I shouldn't, because if you google "fda warning letter" and then go down to the recently-posted ones it's right the fuck there. A lot of the people I know, after reading it in its entirety, were of the opinion that what it wasn't saying outright was "you guys are really helping us with the ridiculous drug shortage in this country, and we really appreciate that, but believe us, if you weren't, WE WOULD BE CLOSING YOUR DOORS". Which is always nice to hear, right?)
Assuming said problem gets resolved soon, at least I'll have actual work to do again. (Actual work that I don't have to do in the antineo lab all gowned up, that is; possibly I ought to specify.)
After I get the stuff transferred over from my old computer to this one -- I'm still kind of upset, but really, the old one is on its last legs and I swear is giving me resentful looks when it thinks I don't notice -- I am planning on a Bomb Girls rewatch, because a) you know, uh, why not? and b) there's a fic that refuses to leave my head that I really ought to write, but which I really ought to re-canon for first. So. There's that.
Also, I have been plowing through the Otherland books, but once I'm done with those I'm not sure where I ought to go next. Anyone have any book recommendations? I will give pretty much everything at least a fighting chance.
(And anyway, speaking of which, howza all of you?)
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