(no subject)

Jul 09, 2012 04:36

At some point I will probably be posting at least a few of the pictures my mom and I took, but for now, a list of Things That Happened To Me In Boston (& Surrounding Areas).

-- found a paperback of the first version of The Stand, about two days after my mom mentioned regretting getting rid of hers.
-- managed to make it out of MA without buying another copy of "Three Septembers and a January", because I (inexplicably) have three already.
-- discovered an apparent shellfish allergy? Which makes no goddamn sense, and is kind of impossible.
-- directly related to the above, woke up with a rash/hives on my right arm on Tuesday. And then Wednesday they were also on my left arm and very slightly on my chest. No idea why.
-- missed the fireworks completely. I am still kind of upset.
-- got myself sunburned! (This is because I am a dumbass who did not say anything when my mom said "eh, do you think we really need the sunblock today? I think we'll be fine.") I can now cross "get a sunburn blister" off my list of things to do before I die. (Locations: tippy-tops of both ears.)
-- got my very own 20-minute tour of the Thomas Jefferson, which was in the harbor for Harborfest and which is also a survey vessel for the NOAA. It was so awesome, guys. Seriously. Almost makes up for the fireworks.
-- completely refrained from telling the incredibly nice man who got permission to give me a brief tour (the ship was actually closed to visitors, but he went and asked the CO) that he looked unnervingly like Buster Bluth. (As he was actually in the Coast Guard I am assuming he has a better handle on cartography at the very least.)
-- saw about eighteen thousand penguins (miiiild overstatement) and also harbor seals being trained/fed. So awesome.
-- snapped a picture of a road sign in Salem declaring the road to be Barton Square. Actually I took like eight because I wanted to make sure I got a clear one.
-- learned on a Duck Tour that the Charles River isn't drinkable but is not in fact flammable, either, sooooo.

None of my sunburn itches except the tops of my ears. :/ (Although, funny story, my mom burned less than I did and hers itches like crazy.)

real life what?, hey look i'm covered in bruises, eventually i will be well-rested, time to get with the assembling, l) i) s) t) s), i speak entirely in parentheses, i've made a huge mistake, yes the italics are necessary, :o!!!

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