So, We're Kind of a Little Clichéd too. - Kris x Tao - 13/?

Sep 12, 2013 22:33

Title: So, We're Kind of a Little Clichéd too.
Chapters: 13/?
Author: paranoiascreams
Genre: fluff, romance
Warning: unbeta'd
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Kris x Tao
Synopsis: They've met. They went out (it's not a date!). They fall in love but it's not as easy as Tao thought. Kris is oblivious about everything, or is he really?
Disclaimer: This is the sidestory of Kris and Tao for the completed chaptered HunHan fic, "Of Movie Clichés". Aside from that story i own nobody and anything else.

[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12]

Tao wakes up first the next morning. He finds Kris sleeping soundly next to him, the blond’s eyelashes grazing his skin. The younger brushes away hair from his fiancé’s forehead and he smiles when Kris scrunches his nose. Tao watches as the other next to him travels through dreamland, and he tells himself, ‘I really am lucky to have you, aren’t I?’ Tao checks the clock on the wall, it’s almost 7:30 in the morning. He smiles and leans closer; he starts to trail soft kisses on the blond’s cheeks, he rubs his nose against Kris’ then kisses him lightly on the lips. Tao smiles into the kiss when he feels Kris smile into it too; the blond pulls him closer in one motion so that the younger is on top of Kris.

“Good morning, babe.” Kris greets him, Tao smiles and brushes his nose on Kris’ cheek, “Good morning…”

“I’ll never get tired of you waking me up like this…”

Tao smiles and stretches his body on top of Kris; he pecks him on the lips before jumping off of him, “Let’s go wash up, Kris. I’m quite hungry already.” The blond yawns and follows Tao inside the bathroom. The younger is already washing his face, while Kris decides to pee next to him. Tao laughs at the gesture; he’s amused rather than offended, “Can’t hold it in?” The blond shakes his head and then finishes up, “Sorry about that.”

The younger smiles and kisses his boyfriend’s cheek, “It’s okay. We’d have to get used to us doing this anyway.” Kris smiles and starts washing his face while Tao brushes his teeth. Tao tells Kris he’s going to wait outside once he’s done freshening up. When the blond emerges out of the bathroom, Tao is diligently waiting on the bed. “Shall we go?” Kris asks and Tao nods.

Chaos is an understatement when the couple arrives in the kitchen. It’s not chaotic because they’re all fighting, it’s chaotic because those who are already up don’t know what they’ll start to eat, or if they can shove another bacon in their mouths. “Woah, heaven.” Kris exclaims and Tao nods. The younger grabs two plates and hands one to Kris, “Hope you’re hungry.” Tao tells Kris and they take their seats. “You bet I am.” Kris growls at him then starts taking some French toasts and bacon. Tao tells Kris to put some pancakes on his plates as he stands up and walks to the fridge. He raises an eyebrow when he finds at least 4 flavors of ice cream inside. He shrugs and places ice on his glass of orange juice. “There’s ice cream in the freezer.” Tao grins, Kris frowns, “Not until later, okay?” The younger pouts in defeat.

The both of them start eating and the younger looks up when Luhan’s voice cuts the small chattering of the group. "Are we dying tonight? Why do we have a feast?" Luhan eyes the food on the table, Joonmyun coughs awkwardly from his seat, "I swear, they overdo things here. Sorry, we could have had a more normal breakfast. I'll tell them to not serve us meals for later and tomorrow."

"Are you stupid? You stop this service, I kill you!" Jongdae screams after he downs the bacon he's chewing, "Man, I can live like this every day! When are you marrying me, Joonmyun-hyung?"

Laughter erupts; even Luhan stifles one then sits next to Tao. "Ge," the younger whispers, Luhan looks up to him, "There's also ice cream in the freezer. This is heaven, right? Especially for here." Tao smiles then pokes Luhan's chest, the older nods, "Yeah."

"Save some for the ever growing handsome booooy!!!" Sehun screams from the doorway then marches inside with Lay in tow. "Huh. Looks like we have enough to last a week."

"Wanna stay here a week?" Lay asks, Sehun grins at him, "Why? You gonna stay with me?"

"That's greasy. Kris-level greasy. Ew." Lay pushes Sehun to the side then takes a plate. "Excuse me?" Kris protests and another bout of laughter erupts. Lay sits next to Luhan as he fills up his plate, Tao moves a bit closer to Luhan so he can hear the other Chinese speak, "Good morning, ge. Oh, 3's an awkward number for a dance group, you have a minor in dancing, right?"

"What are you saying?" Luhan asks, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. Lay squeezes the older's shoulder, "Join us. Minseok-hyung's joining and it's gonna be fun."

"... Maybe next time, Lay." Luhan tells the dimpled boy and returns to his food.

"Spot's mine, Lay!" Jongdae yells from across the table and the said Chinese just tells him 'No.' The bedimpled Chinese juts his lower lip and does the best puppy eyes he can muster and bats his eyes at Luhan, "Pretty please?" Luhan's eyes widen and backs away because he can literally see rainbows and sparkles, "The brightness. It hurts!"

Everybody laughs. Kris and Tao turns from Luhan and Lay and focuses on Sehun who’s still standing by the doorway of the dining area. The younger Chinese notices the way Sehun sighed and looks longingly at Luhan. Tao’s attention returns back to Luhan when he speaks again, “I dunno, Lay. Sehun-ah might not like me around."

"Why won't he?! YOU." Lay turns to the said boy, "You come here and tell your beautiful best friend and potential boyfriend..." Luhan, Tao, Kris, Kyungsoo, Kai and Sehun stiffen, the rest are just oblivious to the teasing, "That he is indeed needed to our group." Sehun opens his mouth then closes it again to hide the fact of the shock then just shakes his head, "He's old enough to decide for himself, hyung."

"BOOOOO!" Minseok wails, "Come on, Sehun! Talk to your pretty princess!"

"Stop it!" Luhan and Sehun say at the same time. "Hmnph, moody bastards." Jongdae comments then just returns to his food. Sehun grunts then proceeds to eat his breakfast next to the empty seat beside Kai. They resume breakfast in silence, Tao nudges Luhan and leans over to whisper, “Hyung, you okay?”

Luhan shakes his head, and Tao sighs. “We’ll talk later, okay?” Tao asks and the older just nods in silence. They're all done an hour later with Jongdae, Kai, Chanyeol and Lay just taking off their shirts from where they're seated then run off to the beach. "GROSS!" Kyungsoo and Baekhyun exclaim but still proceed to gather up the articles of clothing and placing it to the living room.

"Kids." Kris mutters, "Let's go for a swim too, babe." Tao nods then the couple heads to their room to change.

Once upstairs, Kris closes the door behind them and Tao starts stripping off his shirt. He yelps when he’s suddenly pinned on the bed with his boyfriend hovering above him, “Uh, yes?” Kris shakes his head, “Nothing.” The blond smiles, “I love you.”

Tao raises an eyebrow, “I love you, too? What’s going on?” Kris stays silent and just kisses him, “I just want to let you know, because I feel so lucky that we’re together and we’re in love.” The younger smiles and pecks Kris on the lips, “I feel the same way.” Tao grunts and pushes his boyfriend off of him, “Heavy…”

“You don’t say that when we’re…” Kris smirks as he jumps off the bed and takes off his shirt.

“HEY!” Tao kicks the back of his boyfriend’s knee and the blond falls flat on the floor, Kris groans in pain. “Hmpnh.” Tao grumbles as he jumps over the fallen blond on the floor. The younger takes his board shorts and changes. Kris grunts in pain as he starts to change his clothes too.


"THAT IS JUST UNFAIR!!!!" Minseok and Chanyeol scream when they see Kris walking to the shore with Tao in tow. "What? What's unfair?" Kris looks left and right, "What's wrong?"

"You're unfair!" Jongdae points an accusatory finger at Kris, "We just ate but why do you have a perfect beach body!? You too, Tao!"

Kris and Tao laughs heartily as the couple sits on the sand under a large umbrella that has been setup for the group earlier by the maids. "I do wushu. He plays basketball. I guess, it's like a workout?"

Baekhyun rolls his eyes, "Sex is the best workout. You're just having too much sex for sure."

Kris squeezes the bottle of sunblock too hard in utter surprise causing half the content to pour out and Tao just kind of becomes paralyzed next to his boyfriend.

"What?" Baekhyun places his hands on his hips then flips his hair, "You live together, duh."

"Make him stop, make him stop." Tao whimpers when he comes to, Kris pulls the younger closer, "You have a minute to step away before I bury you head first in the sand, Baekhyun."

"Let's go, sweetcheeks." Chanyeol wraps his arms around Baekhyun's waist from behind then carries him away from the couple. "Baekhyun teasing you guys again?" Luhan asks as he sits next to them, Tao nods. "Oh. Kris..."


"I... I'm really sorry about before. I haven't been really able to apologize to you properly."

"Well, hyung..." Kris starts as he tries to put back the excess sunblock back to the bottle and the rest on Tao's back, "Tao and I are okay now, so I guess, we're good. I apologize too, because I was hard on you that day."

Luhan smiles, a genuine smile of relief, "But maybe that's what I needed to finally just give you up. Nobody ever told me to stop, aside from Sehun-ah and I never listen to him anyway."

"Yeah, you don't. That's why both of you are in this situation." Kris comments, Luhan turns silent. "Why don't you listen to him? Because he's a kid?" Tao asks as he shifts from his seat and then puts sunblock on his boyfriend's back, Luhan nods apprehensively. "I used him as my support system, but still saw him as a young boy. I never thought of him as 'my' type, especially compared to you. There's a difference." Luhan laughs awkwardly Kris sits up straight, "Ahem. Well, what can I say?"


"OW!" Kris doubles over in pain after Tao hits him hard on the back you'd see a silhouette of a red hand marked on the blond. "You idiot."


Tao, Kris and Luhan turn to the shore where they faintly hear Kyungsoo scream at Sehun, "What's going on?" Tao whispers against Luhan. The older just shrugs then returns to putting sunblock on his arms, "I don't know. By the way, he's moving out after this trip."

"What?" Kris asks then turns to the shore, "That piece of shit and selfish son of a bitch."

Luhan scoffs, "Maybe it's for the better."

"Do you want him to leave?" Tao asks, Luhan shakes his head, he speaks without looking up, "I don't know how to live without him."

"Ge." Tao calls out and the doe eyed boy finally meets his gaze. His eyes are watery and his bottom lip is shaking, "Yeah?"

"Look at him. Just look at Sehun." Luhan does as he's told and he watches as the youngest explain something to Kai and Kyungsoo, Luhan looks at his height, the expanse of his chest, the abs that are barely but almost there. He takes in everything and sticks it to his vision. "Is he still a 4-year old boy to you?" Tao asks again, Luhan sighs, "No. No, he's not."

"If I am playboy and very unfaithful, I might consider tapping that." Kris comments, Tao lunges at him, "Say that again, Kris!" Luhan laughs at the couple wrestling against each other, and for a brief moment there, he thinks Sehun is looking back at him. He really just wants him to stay.

"SEHUN-AH!!! THE WATER'S AWESOOOOMMME!!!" Lay yells from the water then runs for the said boy. Luhan cringes as he watches the dimpled Chinese hold Sehun by the hand and drags the maknae with him to the water. "If I drown Lay, would you two help me bury the body?"

The couple stops their bickering then turns to Luhan, "Say what, ge?" Tao asks, sitting up and removing himself on top of Kris. Luhan snickers, "Nevermind. I was just kidding."

"You're cute when you're jealous." Kris comments, Luhan rolls his eyes, "You are so greasy. Why did I even think I was in love with you?" Tao high fives with Luhan, Kris looks like a kicked puppy. "I am getting bullied."

"Aww." Tao pats Kris on the back, "There, there."

"TIME TO GET IN THE WATER!!!" Voices from behind the trio boom and the couple watch as Luhan is being carried by Joonmyun, Jongdae, Minseok and Chanyeol. "You two! Join us or I won't stop pestering you!" Baekhyun tells the couple. Kris stands then pulls Tao, "When did you ever?"

"Never." Baekhyun grins then hops on Tao's back. "To the water, Panda!"

"Get off him!" Kris yells at the boy hanging on his boyfriend. Baekhyun grins wider if it's possible, "Why? Because you're the only one allowed to ride him?"

Baekhyun is left scratching his butt after Tao drops him to the ground.

"Let's go, babe!" Kris pulls on Tao's wrist and drags him to the water. The younger stops when his toes touch the sea, "COLD!"

Kris grins and picks up his boyfriend bridal style, "KRIS!!! Put me down!!! Damn it!!! Put me down!!!" Tao yells as he kicks his feet on air. The blond runs to the water until it reaches his waist, "Should I put you down?"

"Nononono!!!!" Tao screams and clings tighter on Kris' neck. "Come on, babe. Water's fine." Kris coos, Tao looks at his boyfriend and whispers, "Kiss me..."

Kris smiles and leans in to kiss his boyfriend as he puts the younger down carefully in the water. The blond feels Tao shudder against him as the younger holds onto him closer. They push each other apart when the both of them get hit with water and finds their friends splashing them, "Get a room!!!" Minseok screams, Jongdae laughs next to him.

"Yah!" Kris retaliates, Tao joins him. Joonmyun and Yixing starts fighting with them, until everyone else is gathered around and splashing water to anybody within range. "Wahh!! Kris!!!" Tao screams and hides behind his boyfriend, letting Kris take all the attack. The blond reaches behind his back to make sure his boyfriend isn't hit and they move around while the others try to grab Tao from behind him.

The younger screams when Kai grabs his wrist and dunks Tao into the water, Kris yells and grabs Kyungsoo and carries the wide-eyed boy over his shoulder then throws him unceremoniously into the sea a few feet from the group before swimming back to where Tao is coughing up seawater and wiping the saltiness off his face while Kai swims for Kyungsoo too.

Tao pouts as Kris helps him regain himself, Kai screams at the blond about not fighting fair. Kyungsoo just laughs it off then dunks Kai into the water and climbs over his shoulders, "WHO DARES CHALLENGE ME?!" He screams after Kai emerges out.

"Not me!" Tao backs away and curls himself comfortably into Kris' chest. The blond wraps his arms around the younger as they watch Chanyeol carry Baekhyun, Sehun carries Jongdae and Luhan carries Joonmyun.

The four pairs start marching to each other while Lay and Minseok keep tab on the fight, the latter even doing an awesome imitation of a sportscaster. Tao laughs as he watches the fight, while Kris keeps prodding him to join the four. The youngest Chinese laughs rather heartily when Baekhyun attacks like a cat in a life and death situation, even growling as he starts scratching the others. Luhan loses his footing, he and Joonmyun fall into the water. Joonmyun decides to play 'fair' by grabbing onto whoever's legs underwater to pull them down - which turns out to be Sehun and Jongdae.

"Alright! It's fight to the death for our little girls!!!" Minseok announces, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo yelps. The both of them forfeits and jumps off their partners to attack Minseok by dunking the oldest into the water.

"Take that!!!" Baekhyun yells before swimming back to Chanyeol. Kyungsoo just dunks Minseok again when the older tried to swim out before crossing the sea to get to Kai.

"Sirs!!!" The group turns to find the butler calling out their attention while thee maids setup the table for bbq. Kyungsoo and Tao grins, the two nods in silent agreement before swimming to shore. Kai and Kris looks puzzled and swims ahead to join their partners. The rest decides to get out of the water too.

"We'll cook!" Tao and Kyungsoo chimes in, the shorter boy takes the thongs from one of the maids, while Tao takes a plate of skewered raw meat. Kris watches in awe as Tao moves naturally when cooking food, and Kai smiles knowing he won't be hungry when Kyungsoo is around.

The rest starts setting up the table while the others play beach volleyball. Luhan helps Tao and Kyungsoo, glancing from time to time at Sehun and Lay rough housing in the sand.

It's an hour later when the three cooks call out for lunch and chaos ensues again. Kris eats the grilled corn with delight that Tao laughs when bits of the corn is plastered on his boyfriend's cheeks. "Kris... Manners."

"Fuck it." The blond grins and keeps eating. They all keep talking randomly until there' no more food on the table to consume. Once lunch is over, some opts to take a nap inside the house while the others try to get a tan. Kris and Tao lies on the blanket underneath the umbrella as they rest for awhile.

"It's quite nice here, isn't it?" Tao starts, "I love the beach."

"But you hate the water." Kris adds, Tao chuckles, "Well, if it's cold, I hate it."

Kris turns to his side and uses his elbow as leverage. He traces his finger on Tao's abs, "So, you want a beach house?"

"Uh-huh." Tao smiles, he purrs a little to Kris' touch, "I don't want it as huge as Joonmyun's. I want something cozy... And homey."

"We'll have that..." Kris leans in to kiss Tao briefly then lies back down on the blanket. He locks their fingers together and Tao leans his head on his shoulder, shortly thereafter, they fall asleep.


The sun isn't too bright when Tao wakes up alone on the blanket. He sits up and follows the noise he's hearing. He smiles when he finds Kris playing beach volleyball with Lay, Joonmyun, and Sehun against Minseok, Jongdae, Kyungsoo and Kai.

"Had a good sleep?"

Tao looks up to see Luhan smiling at him. The younger nods and Luhan joins him on the blanket. "I was watching you and Kris sleeping earlier. You fit together perfectly..."


Luhan smiles, "No! I'm not bitter! I'm really saying that you look perfect together. I was too blinded to see that before. I'm so sorry."

"You're too blinded with everything." Tao comments, Luhan sighs next to him. The older watches the volleyball game and he clenches his fist when Lay and Sehun hug after winning against the other team. "Let's take a walk, hyung?"

They hear the players decide to stop the game and rest for a bit, Lay turns on the radio. Tao and Luhan starts walking a bit further away and they sit on the sand near the shore, a good distance from the rest with their backs to the sea, "He's slipping away from me..." Luhan mumbles as he watches Lay and Sehun dance along with Kai and Minseok. Tao pats him on the back, "And you'll let him?"

"He would let go if I grab him."

"Forgive me for this."

Before Luhan can say anything a hard slap comes in contact with his face, too loud that their friends hear it. Kris runs to them, Sehun too.

"The fuck is wrong with you!?" Sehun pushes Tao off, Kris yanks the maknae away. "Sehun, I'm warning you!"

Tao smirks, "We're just talking."

Sehun glares at him while he tries to pry himself away from Kris' grasp, "Talking my ass! I will cut you!"

Kris kinds of get what his boyfriend is doing so he releases the maknae. Their other friends have crowded the four of them already, "Is something wrong?" Joonmyun asks, Luhan waves his hand over his face. "Oh guys, you're overreacting. Tao and I are just playing around," Luhan slaps Tao's face with harder force, "See?"

Kris almost faints on the spot.

Tao is still trying to fix his jaw just in case it was dislocated as he waves their friends off, "We're just not aware of our own strength. Off you go, guys." One by one they leave and resumes what they are all previously doing. Sehun approaches Luhan, "You sure you both are just fooling around?" The older nods rather enthusiastically, Sehun sighs, "If you say so." Then he walks back to where the dance group is.

"Kris? You okay?" Tao calls out to his boyfriend still rooted on his spot. The younger's voice takes him out his trance then scrambles in front of his boyfriend, he inspects the red mark on Tao's cheek. Kris glares at Luhan, "You didn't have to hit back harder."

"I have no idea why he slapped me in the first place." Luhan juts his lower lip as he tries to soothe the pain on his right cheek. "Tao, why did you?"

Kris is still cooing on his lover's cheek and Tao pushes him away, "Go and join them, Kris." The blond furrows his brows, "No. If Luhan slaps you again, I will punch his face."

"I won't. I promise." Luhan swears, putting up a hand to prove that he won't.

Kris squints his eyes at the older boy, Tao cuts him, "Babe, come on. Off you go." The tallest smiles, gives Tao a quick peck on the lips then leaves.

"That was easy."

The raven-haired boy laughs, "I rarely, almost never, call him 'Babe'. Anyway," They turn to each other and laughs rather loudly when they find the both of them reflecting their actions. Both are jutting their lower lips as they soothe their aching cheeks, "Anyway what, Tao?"

"I just proved something. I was still able to rile him up." Tao is smirking and Luhan smiles a little, "Yeah. Thanks for that. It actually feels nice to know that I still matter to him."

"Do you want me to slap you on the other side? Of course you still matter. I really hoped he'll act on his instinct, and he did."

Luhan buries his face on his palms, "He's so damn confusing. Last night, he tells me he's permanently moving out. In other words, he wants out of my life then..." The older's shoulders shake, "Then, now... He just runs up to us and is ready to take you down despite Kris being here."

Tao just rests his cheek on one of his folded knees and looks at the sobbing boy, "That's what makes him a grown up. He's confusing as fuck. Well, I don't know if I'm glad you're confused now as well. At least, you're feeling what he felt for a really long time."

"Oh my god, I made him feel like shit..."

Tao laughs, "Close enough." The younger boy gives a tight squeeze on his shoulder, "Sort your head out. And then your heart, then think about what you did. Apologize again and if you're certain that you really can't be with him romantically, let him go."

"... I've rejected him before. He'd probably think it weird, IF ever I do... You know." Luhan peeks from between his fingers, "He'll be furious."

Tao smiles at Luhan, "That's why I'm telling you to sort everything out in here," he points at the older's head then to his heart, "and here. So just in case, that you do realize you love him back, it won't come out as pitying him, okay?"

"Yeah... Okay."

"Off I go now. Kris and I are gonna go for a walk." The younger stands, Luhan takes his hand before he leaves, "Thanks. Again. And a million times over."

"Anytime, hyung."

Tao runs up to Kris who's talking to their other friends, "Kris, let's go for a walk."

"We have bicycles here, you can use that." Joonmyun offer, Tao grins, "Cool!"

"Alright, we'll use that."

Joonmyun joins the couple back inside and asks for the bikes from one of his maids. A few minutes later, the couple is ready to go biking around the beach.

"Where are we going?" Tao asks from next to Kris, the blond shrugs, "Anywhere."

"Let's see what lies at the end of this stretch of sand." Tao suggests, Kris smirks, "Race you there!"

Their legs are already dying when they finally decide to stop in front of a huge rock. Kris smiles and parks his bike on its side and starts climbing up. He turns to Tao who's still parking his bike next to Kris'. The blond holds out his hand, Tao takes it and the younger climbs up the rock to join him.

"It's so beautiful..." Tao exclaims, Kris hums in agreement. The blond lies on said rock, his arms under his head, "Babe? Do you really want a beach house?"

"Yes. But not as huge as Joonmyun-hyung's. It'll be hard to chase after the kids." Tao chuckles, he looks at Kris who's looking up to him, "Speaking of... How many kids do you want?"

Kris counts with his fingers, he grins mischievously, "Twelve. So I can start my own basketball team."

"Raise them yourself!"

Kris laughs then pulls on Tao's arm so that the younger will lie next to him, they turn to their sides so that they're facing each other, "I'll be happy with 2. A boy and a girl. Or two girls, I'd love to raise little princesses." The blond tells the other, Tao smiles.

"I could already tell our future daughters will be spoiled by their daddy."

"Only after I spoil my 'queen' senseless." Kris whispers then brushes his nose against Tao's, "We'll fly to China after we get married and find the perfect children to adopt."

"Yeah, I'd love that..." Tao whispers back and leans closer to Kris' warmth. "We're already thinking about our future, Kris. Aren't you scared...?"

"Scared of what?"

"T-that maybe one day, we won't have our happily ever after?"

"Tao... I'm not. As long as you're with me, as long as we know we're in love, we can take on anything, we'll have our happy ending, baby. We'll grow old together..."

Tao turns teary-eyed, Kris kisses him and his worries away, "We'll take one step at a time, but we're pulling our future behind us, too." The blond tells his boyfriend, "Yesterday, we were together and today we are still in love. I'll always pray that in every tomorrow, we'll wake up still in each other's arms."

Tao stays silent and leans closer to kiss Kris. "I love you, Kris Wu. I'll always be in love with you."

"That's awesome, because I know I'll be in love with you forever, too."

Tao smiles and sits up, "The sun is setting, Kris..."

Kris sits up and smiles, "For another tomorrow, Tao."

The younger turns to his boyfriend, kisses his cheek then lies his head on his shoulder, "Yes. For another tomorrow."

"Let's head back before it turns completely dark. I don't think there are any lamp posts on this part of the beach." Kris tells Tao and the younger agrees.


Author’s Notes: Here’s the second to the last (?) chapter for now. I decided to cut it, just because. Heeeheeee.

length: chaptered, title: so we're kind of a little clichéd, pairing: kris x tao, !fanfiction, band: exo

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