So, We're Kind of a Little Clichéd too. - Kris x Tao - 14/14

Oct 04, 2013 07:59

Title: So, We're Kind of a Little Clichéd too.
Chapters: 14/14
Author: paranoiascreams
Genre: fluff, romance
Warning: unbeta'd
Rating: NC-17 for this chapter
Pairings/Characters: Kris x Tao
Synopsis: They've met. They went out (it's not a date!). They fall in love but it's not as easy as Tao thought. Kris is oblivious about everything, or is he really?
Disclaimer: This is the sidestory of Kris and Tao for the completed chaptered HunHan fic, "Of Movie Clichés". Aside from that story i own nobody and anything else.

[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12] [13]

"What happened?" Tao asks when Kris and him steps inside the beach house then finds Lay walk out the door carrying a first aid kit.

"Sehun lost his footing and sprained his ankle."

Tao furrows his brows in worry, "Is he alright?"

Lay smirks playfully at the couple, "Luhan's inside."

Tao chuckles, "Oh. Those two. Still circling around each other, huh?"

Lay shrugs, the smirk not leaving his face, "What else is new?"

Kris clears his throat and Tao giggles next to him, "Excuse us, Lay-ge. We're kind of a little exhausted."

"Get some rest. Dinner in an hour." Lay tells the two before stalking off. Kris drags Tao uptairs to their room.

"Ahhh. I'm so tired." Tao mumbles as he makes his way to the bed and plops down like deadweight. Kris scoffs and starts removing his clothes, "I'm gonna shower."

"Do what you want." Tao slurs with his eyes closed as he lies on his back to get more comfortable.

"Aren't you taking a shower, too?"

"Maybe after you. Stop talking to me and let me sleep."

Kris smirks and quietly makes his way to the bed. He swiftly scoops up Tao in bridal fashion - making the younger scream in surprise, "What are you doing?!"

"Taking you to the showers with me?"

"Your fiance is sleepy."

Kris kisses Tao's cheek, "I'm not."

"How do I even say 'no' to you?" Tao smiles lazily and wraps his arms around Kris' neck so he doesn't fall. The older smiles at Tao, "You can never say 'no' to me." The younger rolls his eyes but stays smiling at the blond.

Once they're both inside the bathroom, Kris starts to fill the bath tub after setting down Tao on the toilet. The younger lazily removes his shirt as they wait for the tub to be filled. "Kris-ge... Aren't I heavy?"


"Aren't I heavy? I mean... I'm not that short compared to you, and I'm quite fit but you can lift me with ease."

Kris smiles playfully and squats in front of the younger, "I've been trained."

"Trained?" Tao asks innocently, Kris nods quietly with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. The younger furrows his brows together, "Trained how...?"

Kris kisses Tao's cheek before standing up to pour some bubble bath on the tub. "Babe..."

"Hmn?" Tao hums as he takes Kris' hand as they move to the bath tub.

"Babe, you love jumping on me." Kris tells him after he's settled on the tub. The younger sits between his legs in front of him, "Jumping on you?"

Kris bites his lower lip as he waits for Tao to think his answer through. The younger gasps loudly when he realizes what Kris meant and splashes water on his fiance, "You're so naughty, ge!"

"But it's the truth!"

Tao buries his face on his hands in embarrassment and Kris pulls him closer for a hug, "Don't be shy, I think it's sexy."

The younger looks up at Kris, his finger trailing on the blond's bare chest, "You think so...?"

"I know so." Kris leans down to kiss Tao and pulls the younger to his lap. Tao groans into the kiss as his fiance swipes his tongue against the younger's lips. Kris moans in pleasure when Tao rolls his hips as both of their erections become prominent between them.

"You want to do this here...?" Kris asks albeit a little out of breath, Tao only answers by kissing him again. "Please... Please..." Tao mumbles in between kisses, Kris shifts his body so that he's leaning against the porcelain tub more comfortably. Tao races for his lips hungrily, not wanting to let go of the blond's.

The ravenhaired boy becomes more aggressive above Kris,pulling on the blond's hair so he can angle his face better to kiss him deeper. The older moans louder when Tao's hand engulfs his member and starts pumping his hardened cock. "Tao... Damn..."

Tao hums in response as he keeps jerking off his fiance, his lips trailing soft kisses on the blond's cheek, lowering to his neck. The younger nips on the thin skin between Kris' neck and collar then starts sucking to leave a huge purple mark on it. "Prep me..." Tao whispers seductively as he leans on his knees so he can lift himself up a bit. He sucks on Kris' ear and his breath hitches when a cold and bubblebath-slicked finger enters his hole. He unconciously bites on Kris' ear a bit hard when the blond pushes his finger in and out of Tao's entrance.

"Kris... Fuck..." Tao moans as another finger enters his hole and his fiance starts scissoring him. The younger starts losing the rhythm of the way he's jerking off the older when a third finger is added and brushes the bunch of nerves inside of him. "God... Kris... Enter me." Tao kisses Kris hungrily as the blond pulls his finger out of the younger. Kris lifts Tao a little without cutting the kiss, while his other hand positions his aching member in front of Tao's prepped hole.

"Ah... Kris..." Tao bites his lower lip as he slowly pushes himself down to take in his lover's entire length. Kris groans in delight as his cock is engulfed in a tight heat, "You're always amazing... Fuck, Tao..."

Tao kisses Kris lightly on the lips and stares at him with lust-filled eyes. He doesn't turn his gaze away from the blond as he bites his lower lip and slowly lifts himself up, and just as slowly pushes himself down on Kris' cock.

Tao rolls his hips slowly and Kris thinks it's seductive but he couldn't help but thrust faster than the pace Tao is going. The younger leans his head against Kris' when the blond goes faster and harder. Tao goes frantic and looks for any leverage to hold on to besides Kris, that he accidentally pushes the drain's switch on the bathtub's side. The water starts to subside, Tao pulls Kris for a kiss and the blond slowly lies Tao on the tub's floor - the younger's body still submerged under a few inches of water.

The blond pulls away from the kiss and puts one of Tao's legs over his shoulder and thrusts harder and deeper. "Fuck... Kris... More..." It prods Kris and gives in to Tao's carnal urges, the younger arches his back and grips on the blond's arm when the older hits his prostate, "Tao... I'm close..."

"Me too... Kris..." Tao moans and his breath hitches when Kris pumps the younger's neglected cock in time with his thrusts. "Kris...!!!" Tao moans his fiance's name when he reaches his orgasm and spilling his seeds on his stomach and the blond's hand. Kris thrusts in him faster, he leans down to kiss Tao sloppily, he pulls away and bites on the younger's shoulder when he reaches his own euphoria and fills Tao with his own seeds.

"I love you, Zitao..." Kris mumbles when he catches his breath. He kisses the bite mark on Tao's shoulder before he leans up to look at the younger. The ravenhaired boy smiles at the blond and leans up to give Kris a sweet peck on the lips, "I love you, too, Kris Wu."

Kris pushes himself up from where he's lying on top of Tao before slowly pulling himself out of the younger. Tao lazily sits up and watches Kris scramble on his knees as the blond turns on the shower. "Let's clean up." The blond tells his fiance and Tao nods his head silently. Kris crawls back to where his unmoving boyfriend is seated. "Babe, you okay...?"

"Exhausted..." Tao mumbles. Kris smiles lovingly as Tao leans his whole body like a deadweight on Kris, the blond shifts their bodies so that they can move under the water. "I love you, Kris... I love you..."

"I love you, too." Kris whispers back as he starts rubbing soap on Tao without removing the younger's limbs from him. The blond smirks after Tao groans when Kris scrubs Tao's backside with the soap. "Wait a bit." Kris pushes Tao lightly so that the younger can get rinsed while the blond steps out of the tub.

Kris laughs silently to himself as he watches Tao already fast asleep with water from the shower running over him. The older grabs a towel and turns off the shower. He leans down to wipe Tao dry and when he's satisfied he scoops up the younger and carries him bridal style again. Tiny droplets of water falls to the floor coming from behind Tao's legs, so when Kris drops the younger off the bed, the blond turns Tao his side and pats him dry. Kris leaves Tao naked and just puts a blanket over his sleeping fiance before heading back to the shower so he can finish cleaning himself up.

Kris walks out of the shower 15 minutes later, he takes a pair of sweatpants from his bag after he puts on his briefs before putting the sweatpants on. He walks over to the bed with a wifebeater in hand. His other hand brushes away the wet fringe stuck on the younger's forehead, "Baby... Dinner is ready downstairs." Kris coos as he puts on his top.

Tao only grunts in response. Kris smiles and kisses the younger's cheek, "I'll bring you food, okay? I'm gonna eat with our friends."

"Doooon't..." The younger grumbles and lazily opens an eye, "Stay here with me..."

Kris chuckles and kisses the top of Tao's nose, "Get some more rest. I'll wake you up. I'll bring our dinner here instead."


"Love you."

" Too..."

Kris smiles and kisses his fiance's cheek before leaving the room quietly.


"Where's the boyfriend?" Jongdae asks when Kris walks into the kitchen.

"Asleep. He said he's exhausted. We'll eat upstairs."

Baekhyun grins like a cheshire cat, "Did you two have sex?"

There's a collective grunt around the dining table. Kris raises an eyebrow at the shorter boy, "Maybe."

"KRIS! What the fuck!?" Minseok gasps and Chanyeol laughs like a seal next to his boyfriend. Kris laughs it off and starts putting food on two plates. "We'll come down later after Tao's rested."

The blond waves them farewell and takes the tray of their dinner back to their bedroom. He opens the door and finds Tao still asleep. He sets down the tray on the table outside the balcony then walks back inside the room. "Baby... Wake up, my love."

"You're... So cheesy..." Tao groans and turns so he can meet his fiance, "What's for dinner...?"

"Pasta in bolognese sauce, garlic bread, and fried chicken."

"Great." Tao sits up and starts wrapping the blanket on his waist, "You pamper me. I love it. I love you."

"Love you." Kris pecks Tao on the lips before they walk out to the balcony to eat. They eat in silence, stealing quick kisses in between bites. Tao sets his plate down and stands up, "I'm gonna put on some clothes."

"Go ahead. I'm gonna head down and put these back in the kitchen."

"Alright." Tao leans down to kiss his fiance on the cheek before disappearing back in the room. Kris starts cleaning up the dishes then goes inside, tells Tao he's gonna wait downstairs and then leaves the bedroom.

Kris notices the absence of the rest of the guys when he returns downstairs, except for Kai and Kyungsoo watching TV and Lay sitting next to them. "Where are the rest?"

"Jongdae and Minseok took out a cooler of beers, they're probably shitfaced outside already." Jongin tells Kris, just in time for Tao to descend the stairs. The youngest Chinese skips on his steps and grabs Kris out after the blond places the dirty dishes in the sink.

"You want to drink?" Kris asks and Tao nods his head. Jongdae offers two bottles of beers to the couple the moment they reach the group by the bonfire. Tao and Kris settles on the sand a few feet away from the flame and at least two feet away from Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"I don't even know you drink." Kris tells Tao after his fiance takes a swig of the beer. "Only on occassion." Tao tells Kris with a smile.

"Come here." Kris spreads his legs and Tao moves in to the space in between, "Are you sore...?" The blond whispers and Tao shakes his head 'no'. The couple snickers at each other and the younger leans his head on his fiance's shoulder while he presses his back against Kris' chest. "I'm still a little exhausted. As if I swam the ocean from one end to another." Tao lazily tells him as he takes another sip of his beer.

"Guys, aren't you bored?" Jongdae asks, all the others turn to him, Jongdae is drawing drunk scribbles with a twig on the sand before throwing the piece of wood into the fire, "I don't want to spend the rest of the nighr watching you get drunk and the couples making out." At this Jongdae eyes Chanyeol and Baekyun. The tallest Korean crosses his arms together, "Hey! We weren't the ones who had sex before dinner!"

Tao chokes on his drink, Kris pats his fiance's back. The younger turns to his fiance with a death glare. Kris shrugs and kisses his cheek, "They assumed, babe. Didn't tell them." Kris whispers, Tao smiles. The blond smirks, "Didn't tell them directly - OH!" He gets his chest hit by Tao and the younger moves from between his legs to his side.

Luhan comes out of the house and sits next to the still-complaining Korean, "I don't care who had sex when, because I'm still bored!"

"What do you wanna do then?" Baekhyun asks, sitting on Chanyeol's lap. Jongdae smirks, "Let's play. Truth or Dare."

"It's a stupid game." Kris scoffs as he pulls Tao closer to him as he rubs the pain on his chest away. Jongdae raises an eyebrow, "Why? Chickening out?"

"You're on, bastard." Kris responds, Tao chuckles as he moves between Kris' legs again and presses his back on the older's chest.

"Let's call everyone." Minseok jumps from his seat next to Joonmyun and runs to the front door, "Yo, out! Out!!!!" He screams, "Jongdae's having his sissy high school girl moment!" A small rock hits his head courtesy of said 'high school girl', the chubby-cheeked boy laughs it out then pulls Kyungsoo, and Lay out. Kai is dragging Sehun who still has his plate with him. "Can't I eat dinner in peace?!"

"No. You ate late and I'm bored now. So, no. No dinner for the sleeper." Jongdae explains, Luhan chuckles next to him. Sehun glares at Jongdae, "I was injured!"

"You were stupid." Jongdae smirks, Sehun roars and lunges at him - his dinner forgotten as it drops ungraciously on Joonmyun's lap who can only scream, "OH DEAR!"

Lay is fast enough to grab Sehun by the waist. The dancer pulls the maknae with him across Jongdae and Luhan's mood turning sour at the sight doesn't escape Tao. The commotion is cut off when a French maid walks out of the house with a towel and a change of clothes for Joonmyun.

"How did she even react that fast?" Baekhyun wonders as she walks inside with Joonmyun. A few minutes later the beach house's owner is back in a new set of pajamas. "What?" Joonmyun asks.

"Do you have like... A webcam installed on your servants?" Chanyeol asks, Joonmyun chuckles, "Ah. About that... I used to get ice cream on my clothes when I was younger and I usually just scream 'OH DEAR!' And they all know what to do."

"Too much fascination to the rich kid that we will never become! Play! Let's play!!!!" Jongdae cuts the conversation then grabs an empty bottle of beer from behind him. "Okay. This is Truth or Dare and not fucking spin the bottle. Be stupid, be serious. Whatever floats your boat. If you want revenge on someone, go."

Baekhyun laughs, "THIS WILL BE SO FUN!" He winks at Tao and Tao just whimpers as he pulls Kris' arms closer to him. Jongdae looks at everyone then points his fingers accusingly at Tao, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, "Bitches off their boyfriends' laps."

Kris glares at Jongdae, "Please tell me you're drunk or I will cut your head off for calling Tao,"

"And Kyungsoo!" Kai adds.

Kris looks at Chanyeol who just shrugs, "He's a bitch." Baekhyun slaps his boyfriend's shoulder but keeps a huge grin on his face. Kris shakes his head then turns back to Jongdae, "for calling Tao and Kyungsoo a bitch!"

"Fine. Drunk as a sailor." Jongdae rolls his eyes, "I'll start." He spins the bottle and it stops in front of Baekhyun. "Dare." Is all Baekhyun says, Jongdae purses his lips as he thinks of something, he smiles evilly when something pops in his head, "I dare you to kiss the guy you'll date if ever you aren't going out with Chanyeol."

Baekhyun shrugs, then skips his way between Tao and Kris. The shorter is grinning at the couple, he turns to Kris, then to Tao then to Kris again. He leans closer to the blond but instead pulls the raven-haired boy closer then kisses him full on the lips, giving Tao's boyfriend front and macro-zoomed view of the event. Kris gasps, Chanyeol chuckles on the side and everyone just stares in complete shock. "Sorry, Kris. Tao is just adorable." Baekhyun licks his lower lip before skipping back to Chanyeol's side. Tao is too stunned to even move, Kris takes off his wifebeater and starts wiping Tao's mouth, "Baekhyun, you tainted my precious baby!"

"He's too amazed on how great a kisser I am." Baekhyun shrugs then spins the bottle. It stops in front of Minseok, he just raises an eyebrow at the boy with chubby cheeks. "Truth."

"Are you gay too?"

Minseok shakes his head, "I don't think so. So, no."

Baekhyun squints, "Lame." He scoffs, then adds, "But I'll make sure you're gay tonight." Minseok just rolls his eyes then spins the bottle, it goes on and on and bottles of beers are being added to the game that even the underaged are getting their drinks.

Lay admits having jerked off to the thought of his Math professor when he was in junior high. Kai ends up skinny dipping for 30 seconds after a dare from Lay. Chanyeol admitted to going gay because of Baekhyun. Joonmyun dances to a girl group due to Chanyeol's dare. Kyungsoo ends up admitting to losing his virginity to Kai. Jongdae was dared to run 2 laps around the bonfire buttnaked, Baekhyun asks Minseok if he's gay yet and is shut down with a loud 'NO! Jongdae's junk is disgusting!' That said owner of disgusting junk almost shoves his dick in Minseok's face - if Luhan didn't pull Jongdae back next to him his classmate would have been scarred for life and to his next resurrection and maybe even the next. Tao spins the bottle after the commotion to restart the game since Jongdae was the first to spin for that round and it stops on his lover, "Dare." Kris slurs and Tao chuckles, "Give Luhan-ge a kiss!"

A series of wohoos and wolf whistles come out from their friends, Kris stands up and crawls over to Luhan, "Come here." He tells the doe-eyed boy who's been drinking as well and just as game as everyone else in the circle. Luhan smirks then leans forward, Kris kisses him fully on the lips then pulls back immediately, Luhan laughs, "That's it? Lame-o." He pushes Kris away from him. The tall blond just laughs then returns to his seat next to Tao. He spins the bottle and it stops in front of Sehun, "Truth."

"I thought it was my choice?" Sehun whines, Kris rolls his eyes. "Fine."

"Dare." The youngest scoffs, Kris smirks, "I dare you to answer my question of truth."


"Are you really gonna drop Luhan's existence from your life?"

Awkward silence. Short but agonizing silence hangs on everyone's head. Luhan stares at Sehun, the maknae is looking back at him.


Murmurs of 'Did something happen?' 'What the fuck is going on?' 'You know something, didn't you?' Echo the circle, Luhan's breathing gets heavier and heavier and then he couldn't stand it anymore, "YOU'RE A JERK!"

"I'm the jerk? You're selfish, hyung!" Sehun retorts. Luhan stands from the circle, the murmuring stops for the scene to unfold. The older glares at Sehun, the younger stands from across Luhan then glares back with more intensity. The older screams, "You wouldn't listen to me!"

"I've listened to you for too long! You're the one who wouldn't!"

"I'm here now! Tell me what you want!"

"I don't have to anymore! You rejected me already!"

A collection of surprised gasps echo the circle, Luhan glares at Sehun harder, "That's why you're with Lay! You're always with Lay!" Sehun stands his ground, "Leave him out of this! He has nothing to do with us!" The older boy pushes the maknae, "You're stupid! You're so fucking stupid!" He runs off, Sehun follows him to the shore. "Luhan! Stop!"

"What the fuck is going on?!" Minseok cuts the silence as they watch the best friends run away from them. The others turn to Tao and Kris. "You two obviously know something!" Jongdae accuses the Chinese couple.

"We do." Tao tells the group. Kai sighs from where he's seated next to Lay, "Well, we kind of know too."

"Care to share? I don't think I want to be out of the loop with what's going with my friends!" Joonmyun tells the 2 couples, Kris sighs.

"It isn't our place to say anything but I don't think Sehun nor Luhan-hyung will say something anyway..." Kyungsoo starts and he looks at his boyfriend. Kai takes a deep breath before looking at Chanyeol, "Remember when we slept over in their apartment?" The tallest nods, Kai continues "Luhan-hyung heard us when we were teasing Sehun, and Sehun said Luhan-hyung couldn't take the pressure knowing that his bestfriend's been in love with him for a long time so he rejected Sehun the next day."

"That sucks." Joonmyun comments, Lay raises an eyebrow, "But... Luhan-ge seems jealous of me and Sehun."

"Luhan-ge is confused. He doesn't want Sehun to leave him, especially since our maknae seems intent on moving out of their apartment soon." Tao explains.

Chanyeol furrows his brows and crosses his arms, "Those two are just stupid."

The group turns quiet when Luhan runs past them crying. Nobody is able to react when Sehun comes running after the doe-eyed boy. Jongdae slowly stands and claps dramatically. Baekhyun and Chanyeol does the same, they slowly walk to the front door, Kris and Joonmyun pulls them back, "Leave the two alone, for Christ's sake." Minseok scolds the couple. Baekhyun grins, "Chanyeollie, looks like Sehun and Luhan will be our favorite couple soon."

"And we win! Hah! Cough up that bet money!" Lay screams - Kyungsoo, Tao, Baekhyun and Chanyeol do the victory sign. Minseok, Kai, and Jongdae groans in defeat when Joonmyun hands over the 100,000 won that those who bet for Luhan and Sehun ending up together won. Kris raises an eyebrow, "What's going on?"

"Thank god you're in love with me. We're 20,000 won richer." Tao kisses Kris, "I'll explain it to you."

Everyone stops talking when a loud crash of things falling to the floor comes from inside the house. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Joonmyun run inside to check if something broke only for the beach house's owner to run back out with a flustered face.

"What happened?"

"IT's happening!" Joonmyun yelps and everyone bursts into laughter. "Wait!" Joonmyun runs back inside and returns pulling Chanyeol and Baekhyun with him. "Have you two no shame?! It's their private moment!!"

Baekhyun grins, "Hyung, does your cook know how to bake a cake?"

Joonmyun nods, Chanyeol smiles mischievously, "We have to give them a cake for the most awkward sex ever!"

"Oh my god." Kris facepalms and just thinks that fortunately, Chanyeol and Baekhyun weren't there when Tao and him made love the first time.

Jongdae laughs, "That's a great idea!"

Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Jongdae, and an unwilling Joonmyun is dragged back into the house to look for the Kim's chef.

"So, anybody still up for another round?" Lay asks, Tao shakes his head, "I'm good. I want to rest now."

Kris shakes his head too, "I guess I'm done for the night, too."

"Good night!" The remaining four waves at the couple before the two of them heads back into their bedroom.


They lie on the bed and turns to their sides so they're both facing each other, the blond caresses the younger's cheek and Tao leans into the touch, "We'll be announcing our engagement to them soon."

"Yeah... But I don't want to steal Sehun's thunder." Tao chuckles, "The announcement can wait. It's not like we're getting married soon."

Kris smiles, "What do you see...?"

"What do I see?" Tao furrows his brows, Kris hums, "What do you see? In the future? Our future?"

"I..." Tao starts, he closes his eyes for a bit, then opens them to smile at Kris, "I see you coming through the front door. You loosen your tie and I greet you with a kiss. You go to the bedroom and you go change, while I prepare dinner. We'll talk about your day, and you'll rant about your boss. I'll tell you about the new dish I learned how to cook, and then we'll watch a little TV. Then we head to bed..." Tao smiles, "And then we'll lie like this, we'll talk more about our plans, because..." The younger takes a deep breath, "Because... We'll have forever, and forever is a long time... But I'd love to sleep next to you every night, and wake up to see you beside me every morning."

"I'd love that too." Kris leans down to kiss Tao, he pulls the younger closer by the waist, "I'd love that..."

Tao hugs Kris closer, "I would never love anybody like I love you."

"Me too. I already promised you that you're the last person I'd ever fall in love with, and I'm never breaking that promise..."

"I'm happy to know." Tao kisses Kris' shoulder and buries his face on his fiance's chest, "Sweet dreams, Kris."

"I stopped dreaming. You're already here."

"Cheesy." Tao chuckles but leans up to kiss Kris on the lips, "I guess I stopped dreaming too."


Tao wakes up the next morning and smiles when he finds Kris snoring silently next to him, the younger bites his lower lip with a mischievous plan before he starts smothering his fiance with pepper kisses, "Wake up, wake up!"

Kris groans and buries his face on his pillow, Tao pouts and bites the blond's shoulder. Kris yelps in pain before turning to face his fiance with mock anger, "Why is my fiance being playful this morning?"

"I'm happy! Can't I be happy?"

"If your happiness includes my pain, NO."

"Aww. Sorry." Tao leans closer to kiss the bitemark he made, he licks it and kisses it again, "Feeling better?"

"Yeah. Now give me 5 more minutes."

"Nope." Tao tells him before kissing his fiance full on the lips, "Let's go! We have to celebrate Sehun and Luhan!"

Kris squints his eyes, "Why are you this happy for them?"

Tao grins, "We've been rooting for them since the very beginning! It's just right!" The younger kisses Kris on the cheek before jumping off the bed and running to the bathroom.

Kris apprehensively jumps off the bed and follows his fiance inside the bathroom to wash up. They stand beside each other and they laugh when they realize they're both sporting a prominent bite mark on each of their shoulders.

"When did we start becoming violent?" Kris asks, Tao smiles up at him and kisses his bite mark on the blond's. The older mirrors the action on the mark he made from last night. "I think we need to change into shirts, though. Thank god nobody noticed yours last night." Kris tells Tao and the younger just chuckles in agreement.

The couple goes downstairs and Lay hands them party poppers. "The hell?" Kris exclaims, the group decorating the living room tells him to be quiet. Tao grins and starts blowing balloons and spreading them on the floor. Kris doesn't ask anymore and just starts helping his fiance.

"Looks like they're awake!" Jongdae whispers as he steps away from the room where Sehun and Luhan spent the night. Baekhyun and Chanyeol stops decorating and heads to the kitchen to get the cake.

"Get ready!" Chanyeol grins to everyone, the rest gathers near the door with confetti and party poppers in hand. Kris and Tao joins them as they wait, "I can't believe I'm actually doing this." Kris comments, Joonmyun and Minseok agrees with him, even if the three of them are actually waiting to pop the confetti once the new couple emerges out of the room.

The door opens and they all activate the party poppers and confetti to welcome the new couple.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." Sehun exclaims pokerfaced.

"BLOW the candles!" Baekhyun grins as he walks with Chanyeol in front of the couple with a huge cake in his hands. Luhan looks at the cake and gets wide eyed on the text on it, "Congrats on the intensely cute and awkward sex in the history of sex, EVER?"

Chanyeol nods, "Well, we couldn't help it."

"You actually listened?!" Sehun screams, Joonmyun shakes his head, "No, they didn't. But we didn't have to? We heard the crashing and then the dead silence? So, they assumed. Judging on your reactions though..."

"Okay. We are gonna grab our breakfast, you can take that away from our faces, please!" Sehun grabs Luhan's hand, but the older pulls him back, "I'm gonna blow the candles!"

"Then you can blow Sehun next." Baekhyun comments as Luhan blows on the candles, a handful of cake hits Baekhyun's face before Luhan can even move his face away from the cake.

"YAH! OH SEHUN YOU ARE DEAD!" Chanyeol screams before throwing a handful of cake at Sehun's direction.

Laughter erupts in the living room before bits and pieces of the cake are flying and catapulting towards each other.

Tao laughs and starts running around the house to get away from the flying bits of cake. When he reaches Kris, he hides behind his fiance. Tao smiles in delight when Luhan yelps after being spanked by Lay then Sehun marches towards the doe-eyed boy.

"YAH! Away from my boyfriend!" The maknae screams and pulls Luhan to him. Lay walks away laughing and throwing cakes to whoever is in the way. Luhan tiptoes and kisses Sehun - chocolate cake crumbs, icing and all, "Yeah... 'Boyfriend' sounds really nice, Sehunah."

Tao hears what Luhan said and he's happy. He feels really happy that everything is falling into place. Kris looks at Tao behind him, chocolate icing plastered on the blond's hair, "Everything okay, babe?"

Tao nods his head, "Yeah, everything's great."

Kris smiles at him and kisses the younger. The kiss is cut off when a huge chunk of cake hits both their faces.

The Chinese couple turns to whoever threw the cake and they find Baekhyun with his hands on his hips, "Looks like everything's settled. Don't you two have an announcement to make?!"

"Announcement?" Joonmyun asks, the others turn to the Chinese couple. Baekhyun rolls his eyes at them, "Come on! It's hard to keep it from them! Especially me!"

Tao shakes his head, he looks at Kris first before turning to Sehun, "I'm sorry, I want to tell you all after celebrating Sehun and Luhan-hyung, but... Okay." The younger pouts at Kris, "You tell them."

"We're engaged." The blond pulls his fiance closer before the rest who doesn't know starts to march up to them and give them a group hug.

They all turn around when someone clears his throat and finds the butler and the maids with a tray of sparkling juice, "We couldn't help but overhear, we opened a bottle for them," the butler nods his head to Luhan and Sehun, "But it's a double celebration for them, too." The butler then nods to Tao and Kris. "It's too early in the morning, so I guess, sparkling juice would have to replace champagne for this momentous occasion."

The servants hands each of them a glass before they all leave the group of friends again.

Joonmyun raises a glass, "To the couples, not just for Tao and Kris nor Sehun and Luhan. To Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Kai as well. May the 8 of you continue to love each other. Whatever happens, in good times and bad times, we're all going to be here. As for the rest of the single guys here, don't worry, we'll have our stories written soon!"

"May all of you have your happy endings." Minseok raises his glass, followed by everyone else.

"To everybody's happy endings!"

They all toast their glasses together before taking a sip, Tao turns to Kris and toasts his glass with his fiance's, "To our happy ending."

Kris kisses Tao, "To our forever." The blond whispers and Tao nods, "Yes. For the rest of our lives."



Author's Notes: Finally! It's done. It could have been updated last week but my file got deleted, though I wasn't satisfied with that first draft so it's quite okay.

Thanks to my readers. I didn't know that many of you will stay reading this because it's quite too cheesy even for my taste. Hahaha.

Everyone, really, thank you. It's awesome to know that what I write isn't in vain.

Click HERE please.

length: chaptered, title: so we're kind of a little clichéd, pairing: kris x tao, !fanfiction, band: exo

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