what do you live for?

Jan 04, 2016 00:55

what do you live for? when you live, what makes it worthwhile? how can one define their own existance?
i used to believe that to be alive is to love, and without live, life isnt worth living.
but how do you live that way without loving someone so much that they become your world?? how do you love someone enough and yet, not need them to be your purpose?
i remember what it was like to be able to have someone in my world, or for me to be able to exist continuously in theirs. it's something wonderful, as if everything is coloured in such a way so that it's all more vibrant, more vivid, more.... alive.

so how do you live without love? how do you love so much and yet not too much? what gives meaning to all your passions? what if loving yourself wasnt enough?

sometimes, in moments when i'm not analysing my life, when you smile for me, when you smile because of me, without any sadness, any pain, when you're smiling because of the happiness i put into your heart, in those moments, i feel like all the pain is worth it. i feel like if you would smile at me in that way, for me, because of me, then i can do this world, i can do it with you.

all i really want, is to have someone look at me as if i was the most important thing in their whole world, as if when they were with me, nothing else mattered. and i want to be able to look at them and feel like everything else can fall apart and nothing would crush me as long as i had them with me. i want to be able to feel that power, that bond, that connection. i want to be able to feel what it's like to be with someone who knows me so well that we dont have to speak a word to each other and we'd know with a look. i want to be able to feel them with my heart even when we're not around each other, i want to be able to know that at the end of the day, as long as i had a place in their hearts, everything is going to be alright, that together, with our minds combined, we can pull through anything.

i dont want to live for someone else, but i want to live it with someone. i want to be able to want to be alive in every day. i want to be happy that i have a tomorrow to wake up to. life is just a sequence of choice that we make, and i want to make all the ones that will enable me to live the time that i am forced to be on this earth as happily as i possibly can. i've always wanted it to be with you. i've always wanted you to be my person, but i KNOW that you cannot be. who you are is just.... it's not enough for my utmost happiness, but i CAN be happy.

but in the end, when it comes to matters like this, there is no right or wrong choices, there is only whether you choose to put enough commitment into it, or not.

i feel alone even when i'm with you.
and i dont know if i can live with that.

thoughts, peter pan, journal, life

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