Who: Griffith (griffith), Idike (briarprincess), Gatts (e_c_l_i_p_s_e_d), Ino (ireadurmind) and possibly Lui (prettiernaked). What: We've got a General, a Princess and some stalkers -- it's quite the party. Griffith offers to escort Idike around the castle, perhaps unaware of their newfound and stalkerish company. When: After 6:00PM this evening. Where: The hall of Paradisa. Rating: .. Depends. ♥
Who: Governor Swann and Griffith, your local proper society. What: Griffith discovers a bit of flattery can go too far. When: A beautiful Wednesday afternoon. Where: Outside the castle, under a tree. Rating: PG at most.
Who: Griffith and Gatts What: Gatts goes in for the kill but things don't end up the way he expected. When: Tuesday night Where: In the hallway of the 12th floor and room 1215 Rating: PG-13? Some language and a bit of violence