[Thread] I'm not stalking you

Mar 26, 2007 22:44

Who: Griffith (griffith), Idike (briarprincess), Gatts (e_c_l_i_p_s_e_d), Ino (ireadurmind) and possibly Lui (prettiernaked).
What: We've got a General, a Princess and some stalkers -- it's quite the party. Griffith offers to escort Idike around the castle, perhaps unaware of their newfound and stalkerish company.
When: After 6:00PM this evening.
Where: The hall of Paradisa.
Rating: .. Depends. ♥

It was almost time for their meeting, the hands just shy of the hour of six. He had been very kind to offer her assistance but, despite that, she found herself lingering on bits and piece of a conversation held between her and Gatts. Griffith was a very kind man and she certainly didn't want to doubt such kindness, but-

No. She would enjoy this evening.

And with no word from Lui she had, despite a previous bit of unease, wasted little time in getting ready for her meeting with Griffith. It just wouldn't do if she was late for her own meeting so, after everything was said and done, Idike did little more than wait and occasionally shoot a wary glance towards the door.

He would be here soon, wouldn't he?

guts, griffith, prince ludwig, friederike, yamanaka ino

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