
Jan 02, 2012 00:09

Who: Vivian and Gunn.
What: Bringing in New Years.
When: New Year's Eve/New Years Day
Where: On the castle roof.

The roof of the castle would be an interesting place to celebrate New Years and one of the quietest as well. Vivian had a feeling that the bars would probably be packed, and well, she wanted some peace. Being able to wish up alcohol was also very handy. She had asked the ghosts for several kinds because she wasn't quite sure what Gunn liked to drink and she hoped that among her stash there would be something to his taste.

A thick blanket was laid out on the rooftop with some cushions to sit on as well as a small, stable surface to rest the alcohol on. It was a bit chilly out but the sky was clear and the moon was out; stars glittered in the sky and not a sound could be heard. Overall, a beautiful night to celebrate on.

She had brought extra blankets in case it got colder and Vivian hoped that it wouldn't rain. If it did, then they could always just wish up an umbrella or just go inside the castle again. Figuring out what to wear was something else that she had fretted over for a while. She wanted to dress up but wear something that suited the weather. Vivian eventually settled on a long-sleeved dress made from wool, with leggings and a pair of boots to match.

Everything was set.

charles gunn, vivian volkoff

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